Troubled e-borders scheme has so far wasted £830 million of tax payers money, National Audit Office warns

Troubled e-borders scheme has so far wasted £830 million of tax payers money, National Audit Office warns
The government has pledged millions of pounds to help bring technologies of the future to market
DWP hits back at the NAO report, as Iain Duncan Smith blames poor management by civil servants
Courtrooms will become 'fully digital' by 2016 as the government seeks to end 'outdated' reliance on paper
The Cabinet Office has confirmed it is dropping the role of government CIO as part of its ongoing shakeup of ICT services
Panic as old posts surface - but is Facebook to blame?
The scheme to equip Britain's police forces with BlackBerry phones has been heavily criticised in a report by MPs
Incoming G-Cloud leader has warned the government isn’t ready to make big bets on cloud
The outgoing director of the G-Cloud framework has delivered a withering assessment of 'unacceptable' IT within government
Gartner has lowered its IT spending forecast, but has blamed the strong US dollar rather than a spending slowdown
The Cabinet Office has named twelve network companies providing the Public Sector Network
We talk with Dell's Kevin Jones and Tim Sheppard about attacking the public sector market and its rivals' troubles.
Report reveals government's shared services drive as inefficient and loss-making
The views of the IT community on what open standards should mean in government ICT are being sought in a new consultation
Police chiefs have rejected the first draft of a plan allowing a private company to manage police IT systems
The NHS NPfIT system fiasco is set to cost the British taxpayer another £2 billion in cancellation fees
EU commissioner Neelie Kroes has urged the creation of eGovernments and borderless public services
The government has published procurement advice for public sector bodies acquiring open source software
A report from MPs has warned the police’s ICT is detrimental to crime prevention and is not fit for purpose
Defence contractor Raytheon is suing the Government for £500 million for terminating its e-Border contract
Just two weeks old and the government's e-petitions website is proving popular, with 12,000 petitions
A Government document proposes consolidating back-office functions in a cloud-based platform to save money
The Metropolitan Police is to utilise an online procurement website to help it procure goods and services
The Government continues to embrace the Cloud with a new deal designed to cut costs and maximise departmental efficiencies
Previous Labour ministers are accused of ordering expensive IT projects to “sex up” their policies
A Cabinet Office policy note has revealed the desire for open standards during IT procurement processes
The government is seeking to develop the UK's high tech skills with plans for a £200 million tech centre network
Another services provider has signed a new deal with the government and, according to Nick Mayes of PAC Consulting, there are more to come
As part of the UK's plan to save millions of pounds, IT services giant Atos Origin has become the first provider to sign a new deal with the government
Academic organisation led by Tim Berners-Lee will no longer receive funding under new government’s £6.2 billion efficiency plans