The company begins publishing its security certificates and audits online
Google Chromebooks will soon have powerful graphics capabilities for businesses seeking high performance virtual desktops
Samsung fuels Android success in the UK but local manufacturers in China continue to make waves
The new release is faster, twice as stable, but there is no support for some older plug-ins
Amazon is reportedly building an advertising platform that could ultimately challenge Google and others across the web
Google's driverless cars can break the speed limit. What else do you know about tech transport?
Google is to acquire JetPac, which extracts data from Instagram photos to create city guides
More vendors are now making Chromebooks, helping them grow beyond the education sector into banking, retail and other markets
US judge says settlement from Adobe, Apple, Google and Intel over an alleged pact not to hire each others' employees…
Google will use encryption as a ranking criteria in an effort to encourage more sites to adopt HTTPS
Google reports a Gmail user to the police after discovering illegal images in his email
Are Google's worst fears about “right to be forgotten” requests coming to fruition, with Wikipedia entry removal?
European ruling on 'right to be forgotten' is unworkable, says House of Lords
The AA thinks few motorists will be interested when driverless cars are allowed on public roads from next year
Google faces more drama in Italy after its regulator handed out a deadline to reform its data use policies
Google reveals strong financials as revenues rise 22 percent, but analysts still expected better
Malaria, homelessness and divorce disputes come under attack from the winners of Google's Impact Challenge awards
Google fibre won't be coming to the UK any time soon
Privacy concerns raised after US judge grants a warrant against Google to seize an individual's Gmail emails
The project will employ security experts to search for ‘zero-day’ exploits in popular software
Google teams up with Swiss drugmaker Novartis to develop smart contact lenses to help diabetics
Amazon signals its growing hardware intentions by hiring the founder of the Google Glass project
The Thread Group, which promotes the eponymous standard, already includes ARM, Samsung and Freescale
Some government oprganisations ban Google services, while the procurement process changes to favour Russian companies
The Great Firewall of China is back up and blocking Google access after a brief pause for Chinese users
Samsung Galaxy Apps offers optimised and exclusive apps for Galaxy devices
Big players commit to Google's Kubernetes scheme for open source container management, taking virtualisation up a level
Some of the world’s largest patent holders say they have invented ‘arms control for the patent world’
Google has applied the "right to be forgotten" to searches for a BBC blog - amid rising criticism