
US Scientists Repeat Fusion Ignition BreakthroughUS Scientists Repeat Fusion Ignition Breakthrough

US Scientists Repeat Fusion Ignition Breakthrough

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, for a second time, repeats milestone fusion experiment that produces more energy than it consumes

2 years ago
Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power DealMicrosoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal

Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal

Clean energy development. Helion Energy signs deal to provide clean nuclear fusion energy to Microsoft by 2028

2 years ago
US Scientists Claim Nuclear Fusion BreakthroughUS Scientists Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

US Scientists Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Clean energy milestone as US scientists at Lawrence Livermore claim to have made a breakthrough in nuclear fusion experiment

2 years ago
UK Nuclear Fusion Experiment Breaks RecordUK Nuclear Fusion Experiment Breaks Record

UK Nuclear Fusion Experiment Breaks Record

Huge step forward for clean energy, after UK scientists break fusion energy output record in major breakthrough at JET facility…

3 years ago
Google Machine Learning Tech Aids Nuclear Fusion ResearchGoogle Machine Learning Tech Aids Nuclear Fusion Research

Google Machine Learning Tech Aids Nuclear Fusion Research

Working with Tri Alpha Energy, Google has developed the research accelerating Optometrist algorithm

8 years ago
VMware Tunes Fusion 5 For Mac ‘Mountain Lion’, Windows 8VMware Tunes Fusion 5 For Mac ‘Mountain Lion’, Windows 8

VMware Tunes Fusion 5 For Mac ‘Mountain Lion’, Windows 8

VMware's Fusion 5 allows organisations to run Microsoft's Windows 8 on Apple's latest Mac OS X systems

13 years ago
AMD To Axe 10 Percent Of Staff In Cost-Savings PushAMD To Axe 10 Percent Of Staff In Cost-Savings Push

AMD To Axe 10 Percent Of Staff In Cost-Savings Push

AMD says the job cuts will position the company to pursue efforts in low-power computing and the cloud

13 years ago
AMD Offers Up Fusion SDK For DevelopersAMD Offers Up Fusion SDK For Developers

AMD Offers Up Fusion SDK For Developers

AMD is offering developers a SDK in order to the exploit the capabilities of its Fusion processors

14 years ago
AMD Grows At Intel Expense Thanks To Fusion ChipsAMD Grows At Intel Expense Thanks To Fusion Chips

AMD Grows At Intel Expense Thanks To Fusion Chips

AMD's market share of the x86 space rose almost two points, although Intel still dominates the sector

14 years ago
Oracle Critical Patch Update Is A Big DebuggerOracle Critical Patch Update Is A Big Debugger

Oracle Critical Patch Update Is A Big Debugger

Oracle will patch 78 software vulnerabilities across its product portfolio, including the database, PeopleSoft and Solaris

14 years ago
AMD Leak Reveals Hondo Tablet ChipAMD Leak Reveals Hondo Tablet Chip

AMD Leak Reveals Hondo Tablet Chip

Leaked AMD marketing slides show the company’s ‘roadmap’ for Fusion APUs for tablets to coincide with Windows 8

14 years ago
AMD Refutes ARM Speculation With x86 PledgeAMD Refutes ARM Speculation With x86 Pledge

AMD Refutes ARM Speculation With x86 Pledge

AMD plans to stick with its x86 chips as it moves into tablets, dashing rumours of an ARM licensing deal

14 years ago
AMD Eyes Tablets But Focus Remains Its PC BusinessAMD Eyes Tablets But Focus Remains Its PC Business

AMD Eyes Tablets But Focus Remains Its PC Business

While AMD admits to eyeing-up the tablet space, the company's focus is to deliver on current promises

14 years ago
AMD Plans APU Fusion Chip Roll Out For CESAMD Plans APU Fusion Chip Roll Out For CES

AMD Plans APU Fusion Chip Roll Out For CES

Like Intel, AMD is unveiling its first Fusion APUs, which offer computing and graphics on a single chip, at CES

14 years ago