
Microsoft Invests $15m In Foursquare, Licenses Data

Microsoft is to license Foursquare's location-based data for integration into search and mobile services

11 years ago

Foursquare Gets $41m Investment Despite User Apathy

Foursquare may not be as hip as Facebook or Twitter, but VCs think location will happen one day...

11 years ago

Apple Pulls ‘Stalker App’ From App Store

Girls Around Me allowed users to track women on location-based services

12 years ago

Facebook Buys Gowalla For Location Sharing

Facebook has acquired location sharing service provider Gowalla, a key competitor to FourSquare

13 years ago

Security: How Can You Patch People?

People are just as critical as technology in safeguarding your network, says Terry Greer-King of Check Point

13 years ago

Google Places Stands Foursquare With Geo-Location

Google Places now allows users to add location data about places visited via Foursquare and other Web services

13 years ago

Bin Laden Attack Accidentally Tweeted By Witness

An Abbottabad resident tweeted about a noisy night of helicopters and explosions - not realising the truth

13 years ago

Facebook Mobile Apps Refreshed For iPhone And Android

New smartphone apps from Facebook add single sign-on to iPhones and Androids, along with Deals for the iPhone

14 years ago

Location-Based Social Networks Slow To Take Off

Foursquare, Gowalla and Brightkite are highly hyped but have yet to reach their potential for Web marketers

14 years ago

Social Networking Platforms Line Up Location-Based Services

Reports suggest Facebook is about to join social networking rivals, Twitter and Foursquare in banking on services launched to be…

15 years ago