
Marissa Mayer Grilled By Yahoo ShareholdersMarissa Mayer Grilled By Yahoo Shareholders

Marissa Mayer Grilled By Yahoo Shareholders

Yahoo shareholders asked CEO Marissa Mayer some cringe making questions at the annual meeting

12 years ago
Benevolent Hackers Seek To Exploit The Flickr 1TB OfferBenevolent Hackers Seek To Exploit The Flickr 1TB Offer

Benevolent Hackers Seek To Exploit The Flickr 1TB Offer

Github users show how to take advantage of Yahoo's big offer and store non-photo files on Flickr

12 years ago
Hacktivists Hit North Korea Social NetworksHacktivists Hit North Korea Social Networks

Hacktivists Hit North Korea Social Networks

Anonymous and US hacker Jester get juvenile on North Korean services

12 years ago
Pinterest Users Blocked From Sharing Flickr PhotosPinterest Users Blocked From Sharing Flickr Photos

Pinterest Users Blocked From Sharing Flickr Photos

Photo sharing site implements 'do not pin' code as Pinterest reaffirms commitment to copyright protection

13 years ago
A Chilling Message For Well-Connected Social NetworkersA Chilling Message For Well-Connected Social Networkers

A Chilling Message For Well-Connected Social Networkers

Websense sees social media identity theft as a growing threat for 2012. Eric Doyle argues that it is a present…

13 years ago
AVG Promotes MultiMi As Digital LifecoachAVG Promotes MultiMi As Digital Lifecoach

AVG Promotes MultiMi As Digital Lifecoach

AVG is securing MultiMi's future by adding its market reach to help those who need to juggle their digital lives

14 years ago
More Cloud Misery As Yahoo Mail And Flickr Go DarkMore Cloud Misery As Yahoo Mail And Flickr Go Dark

More Cloud Misery As Yahoo Mail And Flickr Go Dark

Two of Yahoo's most popular services were down for several hours for a million users, the company said

14 years ago
Google To Acquire Cloud Photo Specialist PicnikGoogle To Acquire Cloud Photo Specialist Picnik

Google To Acquire Cloud Photo Specialist Picnik

Google has bought Web-based photo editing specialist Picnik for an undisclosed sum, adding another cloud computing tool to its arsenal

15 years ago