Federal Communications Commission

No Nationalised 5G Networks, Says President Trump

No nationalised 5G. Private sector is best way to deploy nationwide 5G networks, says President Trump

5 years ago

Microsoft Disputes FCC Broadband Coverage Figures

Redmond disagrees with US regulator's claim of improving broadband coverage in the United States

5 years ago

US Appeals Court Hears Net Neutrality Challenge

Legal challenge to overturning of net neutrality laws continues, with decision due in the summer

6 years ago

California To Suspend State Net Neutrality Law Until Court Ruling

Showdown between US states and federal government averted until court rules on Trump's net neutrality “roll-back”

6 years ago

FCC Sets 11 June Deadline For Repeal Of Net Neutrality Rules

Formal repeal of Obama's rules for open Internet will take place next month, despite upcoming US Senate vote

6 years ago

San Francisco Appeals Court To Hear Net Neutrality Challenge

Appeals court in San Francisco selected to hear legal challenges to FCC's decision to reverse net neutrality

7 years ago

Botnets Target FCC Website Over Net Neutrality, Researchers Say

Researchers claim bots are spamming US regulator website over net neutrality rule change proposal

7 years ago

Tech Firms Urge FCC Not To Repeal Obama’s Net Neutrality Rules

Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter etc warn FCC chairman over his intentions to repeal net neutrality rules

7 years ago