LinkedIn has drawn inspiration from the consumer social network space after it introduced a number of improvements for its Groups…
IT people will fix problems rather than watch football. That's no surprise to Peter Judge, as IT problems are less…
Techies are being celebrated on the small and big screens with a Facebook movie and another series of cult British…
Facebook apparently earned as much as $800 million (£536m) in 2009, according to unnamed sources quoted by Reuters
Facebook has issued a blog post and a letter detailing the ways in which it stewards users' personal data
It may seem tempting to make the entire world your "friend", but social networks have their own rules of etiquette,…
Internet users worldwide spend 22 percent of their time on social networks such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, according to…
Privacy critics are not letting up. They presented Facebook founder Marc Zuckerberg with a six-point plan
Researchers say personal information should "degrade" - becoming less specific over time - to protect users' privacy
Former Facebook privacy officer Chris Kelly has joined the ranks of public officials taking Facebook to task over privacy issues
Facebook's CEO has called for 'balance' after he talked about his company's privacy and security battles
So-called likejacking attacks on Facebook, spotted by security company Sophos, are continuing to spread
Diaspora - a "privacy-aware" social network - is preparing to challenge Facebook, as Zuckerberg faces privacy criticisms at D8
Facebook has made some concessions, but most of us are so addicted, it can pretty much do what it likes,…
Only 11 percent of Facebook users have heard of the grassroots "Quit Facebook Day" movement, despite widespread media coverage
Facebook announces it has acquired startup Sharegrove, which makes private Web workspaces
The software giant has all manner of tactics at its disposal to get users to move from the oldest supported…
Facebook has slashed the number of settings required to make all information private and create one control for user content.
In the face of a user backlash, Facebook has announced plans to update its privacy settings
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg admits mistakes in changing the social network’s privacy controls and repeats a pledge to simplify them in…
Successful IT companies get targetted by regulators, says Clint Boulton. First it was Microsoft, soon it will be Google, and…
Sixty percent of respondents to a Sophos poll say they are considering quitting Facebook due to privacy fears
A Facebook group showing images of the Prophet Muhammad led the Pakistani government to block the site
A survey found two thirds of Facebook users are thinking of quitting amid privacy criticism
Facebook's new address does not incur expensive data charges - and will soon be available through 3 UK
Facebook's director of public policy promises changes in radio interview
Now ordinary people are concerned about Facebook's privacy practices, Larry Walsh asks: will they change their behaviour?
The latest privacy concerns have some users threatening to delete their accounts with the social networking service
Facebook tightens security as it deals with the continuing fallout over changes to its privacy settings
Facebook might be the world's largest social network, but it also suffers from some privacy and security issues that should…