The programme has paid more than $5m to 900 researchers since 2011
New privacy row as social networking sites halt access by data gathering app used by law enforcement
Google and Facebook invest in new subsea cable between Los Angeles and Hong Kong
ANALYSIS: Recent investments show Facebook, Google and others are aware that people need more than just technology to convince them…
Facebook's first business product aims to take its popular features into the enterprise collaboration market
The social media giant is planning to build its third European data centre in Odense, Denmark, reports say
Facebook Messenger head says stripped down version for Android might not have some functionality, but is still attractive for businesses
Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft join forces to explore the challenges, opportunities and ethics of artificial intelligence
The enterprise version of the social network looks to take on Yammer, Slack and other collaboration tools
Breaking the law...Watchdog accuses WhatsApp of 'misleading' users and breaking German data protection laws
Facebook’s project is about to get some competition in India
The social networking giant has tweaked its chatbot platform with a suite of features
Less human input after accusation that Facebook hid conservative opinions in its Trending news feed
Bank followers on Instagram beware of money-flipping 'epidemic', but photo-sharing platform says scams are "low volume"
WhatsApp changes terms and conditions to allow businesses to send users messages and to give Facebook more information for ad…
Facebook promises to give users more control over adverts buts says ad blockers threaten journalism and free services
Facebook pools hardware teams into one lab to boost efficiency
Google shares plans for its data centre space-saving 48V rack Open Rack 2.0 Standard
Playing catch up? Facebook tests encrypted "secret conversations" after last month's security scare concerning chats
OpenCellular platform looks to make it cheaper and easier to deliver mobile connectivity using open hardware and software
The appeal annuls a ruling that had prompted Facebook to block access to its Belgian site for non-users
WhatsApp continues to find success in over the top communications, with 1,100 calls made every second
ANALYSIS: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a mistake that many, perhaps most, people make and reused passwords for…
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg attacked after login details allegedly leaked in LinkedIn breach last month
Instagram looks to boost advertising revenues by giving businesses more features
Social network giant will begin tracking people without Facebook accounts as part of advertising growth
Set to be completed in 2017, new MAREA cable will help speed up cloud and online services at both companies
Debate over data privacy reaches next level as Facebook's transfers to the US are pushed up the legal ladder
Instagram lacked basic security protections on its mobile and web logins, a researcher has found
Security gamification technology has already been used for hundreds of contests, helping to improve the state of security education