China fires back after US Commerce Dept says it is considering new restrictions on Chinese drones in the United States
Dutch chip equipment maker says government partially revokes licence for export of DUV lithography systems to Chinese customers
US government official denies AMD and Nvidia claims they are being denied permission to sell AI chips to Middle East
American official acknowledges deal with Japan and the Netherlands for new restrictions on chip-making tool exports to China
US Chips and Science Act (Chips). Biden administration tells those receiving federal funding they will not be allowed to invest…
Two leading American chipmakers, Nvidia and AMD, have been ordered to stop selling some of their AI-related technology to China
No more chips for you. Details emerge of what technology will be banned under US and worldwide export restrictions on…
Cyber security official for Polish government confirms more cyberattacks on Poland's government systems, amid Ukraine invasion
More than half over Russia's high tech imports will be cut says President Joe Biden, as Putin's forces seize control…
Softening attitude? US officials approve licence applications from blacklisted Huawei, so its car component business can buy chips
Outgoing US administration revokes some tech export licences to Huawei and plans to deny others, in final moves against Chinese…
Trump administration expands its restrictions on Huawei, and bans suppliers from selling it chips that utilise US technology
US Commerce Department to bar overseas semiconductor manufacturers from selling to Huawei and HiSilicon if they use US-made chip gear