
Personal Data Of 24 Million South Africans Exposed By Experian Breach

Oh dear. Fraudster is blamed for breach of credit agency Experian, which has exposed the personal data of 24 million…

4 years ago

Debate: Do Passwords Have A Future In Cybersecurity?

VOTE: Passwords are much maligned but still widely used. What does the future hold? Read the views from our experts…

7 years ago

The Evolution Of Identity: Problem Passwords And Burgeoning Biometrics

OPINION: Passwords are yesterday's technology, biometrics are the future, argues Experian's head of identity and fraud

7 years ago

Experian Blamed After 15m T-Mobile Customer Details Are Stolen

Boss of T-Mobile US “incredibly angry” after 15 million customer details stolen from Experian server

9 years ago

Mobile Payments To Topple Debit And Credit Cards By 2020

However Experian study find fears of fraud are still holding back some customers from embracing mobile payments

10 years ago

Experian Faces Investigation After Hackers Steal Credit Checks

Supply chain weaknesses cause trouble for Experian

12 years ago

Illegal Data Trade Sees Massive Growth

Almost 20 million pieces of personal data illegally traded in the first six months of 2012

12 years ago

Illegal Data Trade Grows Massively In 2012

Experian finds the illegal data trade market has doubled in size already in 2012, compared with 2011 figures

12 years ago