
Red Hat CloudForms 4.2 Improves Hybrid Cloud Management

New release of Red Hat's hybrid cloud management platform provides improved container, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and OpenStack capabilities

8 years ago

Story Lines That Will Be the Most Relevant at CES 2017

ANALYSIS: VR, AR, AI assistants and IoT security will be talk of the show as consumer tech provides innovation for…

8 years ago

Expect 2017 Cyber-Attacks To Far Surpass 2016 In Damage, Frequency

ANALYSIS: Constant bad news about Russian hacking and the increasing prevalence of ransomware made 2016 an IT security disaster... but…

8 years ago

Container Storage Vendor ClusterHQ Shuts Down

NEWS ANALYSIS: ClusterHQ which had been an early pioneer in the container storage market with its open-source Flocker project, ceases…

8 years ago

Security Vulnerabilities Found In Airline Entertainment Systems

IOactive finds security flaws in Panasonic's Avionic In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) system that could potentially give an attacker unauthorised access

8 years ago

IBM Opens Watson Experience Center In San Francisco

Five years after Watson made its international splash by unseating the "Jeopardy" television quiz show's human champion Ken Jennings, it's…

8 years ago

Kubernetes 1.5 Brings Container Management To Windows

New release of open-source Kubernetes container orchestration system adds initial support for Microsoft Windows Server and previews beta stateful application…

8 years ago

Pebble Acquisition By Fitbit Marks New Era For Wearables

ANALYSIS: Pebble is being acquired by fitness tracker vendor Fitbit, but that doesn't mean the wearable market is dead

8 years ago

Docker Boosts Container Storage With Infinit Acquisition

Docker to directly integrate storage capabilities into its container engine, while still leaving room for organizations to choose other storage…

8 years ago

IBM Watson for Cyber Security Expands With Beta Launch

40 organisations are now part of the effort to train Watson for Cyber Security in an effort to improve security…

8 years ago

Fake News Campaigns to Increase in Frequency, Security Experts Say

ANALYSIS: With the possibility that fake news may have impacted the US election, people are giving a new look to…

8 years ago

MAD Concept Of Deterrence Doesn’t Apply In World Of Cyber War

ANALYSIS: The rules of traditional warfare don't apply in cyber war, even to the point where it's hard to tell…

8 years ago

Oracle Says It Won’t Change NetSuite Product Prices, Structure

After Oracle completed its acquisition ofNetSuite, executives from both companies detailed what’s in store for customers

8 years ago

Google Explores Use Of Machine Learning To Detect Diabetic Eye Disease

Researchers from Google publish a paper describing a new deep learning algorithm for detecting signs of diabetic retinopathy.

8 years ago

Election Recount Unlikely To Reveal Evidence Of Vote System Hacking

ANALYSIS: Despite the suspicions a group of computer scientists, a recount of close presidential election tallies in three states won't…

8 years ago

How To Protect The Encryption Keys To Your Kingdom

ANALYSIS: Encryption keys are wonderful things that allow your organisation to conduct secure communications without issue- as long as you…

8 years ago

Old School Polling Methods Hid Trump’s Popularity With Voters

Traditional data sampling and analysis methods that worked well for decades suddenly failed during the Presidential election of 2016

8 years ago

Cyber-Politics Reached New Heights In 2016 Presidential Election

ANALYSIS: Never before have social media and even cyber-spying been used to such an enormous extent to shape voter sentiment

8 years ago

Corporate IT, Security Teams Need to Put Aside Mutual Distrust

ANALYSIS: For years a major threat to enterprises has been a gap between IT departments and the security teams competing…

8 years ago

Trireme Open-Source Security Project Debuts for Kubernetes, Docker

Network isolation isn't the only way to secure application containers anymore, so Aporeto unveils a new security model for containers…

8 years ago

Node.js Is Helping Developers Get the Most Out of JavaScript

IN DEPTH: Node.js, the JavaScript runtime of choice for high-performance, low latency apps, continues to gain popularity among developers on…

8 years ago

Microsoft Surface Devices Challenge Apple in Enterprise Strongholds

ANALYSIS: With Surface sales rising, Microsoft is challenging Apple in enterprise creative domains where the Mac long held sway

8 years ago

IBM, OpenPower Foundation Make Push Into Europe

At the first OpenPower Summit on the continent, the group unveiled new projects and offerings based on the open architecture

8 years ago

How Walmart Is Embracing the Open-Source OpenStack Model

Walmart wasn't always an open-source advocate, but now it's one of the biggest consumers of open-source and is actively building…

8 years ago

Massive Cyber-Attack Shows Risk Of Poor Security On Network Nodes

ANALYSIS: While the details regarding the sources and methods of the Oct. 21 DDoS attack that took down vast areas…

8 years ago

What Makes Ransomware the Worst Type of Malware

In a SecTor keynote, F-Secure's Mikko Hypponen explains why ransomware is so bad and what the Russians really have in…

8 years ago

Oracle Fixes 253 Security Flaws In October Update

Oracle's latest Critical Patch Update, which fixes 253 vulnerabilities, is the company's second-largest CPU ever.

8 years ago

How Shared iPads and Apple TV Can Change Health Care Delivery

A new hospital being built at UC-San Diego has iPads and Apple TV in each of its 245 rooms to…

8 years ago

Google, Rackspace Release Specs for IBM Power9-Based Server

Google and Rackspace announced draft specifications for the Zaius P9 data center server. The design implements Open Compute Project server…

8 years ago

Microsoft Draws Up Azure Cloud Blueprint for Gov’t Agencies

Microsoft is offering Azure Government Cloud customers documentation on deploying services that meet stringent federal security requirements

8 years ago