Meta warning. Tech industry veteran Eric Schmidt sounds note of caution about Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse virtual world ambitions

Meta warning. Tech industry veteran Eric Schmidt sounds note of caution about Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse virtual world ambitions
Share surge in Alphabet over the past year allows founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to join the exclusive $100 billion plus club
Eric Schmidt says Huawei does pose national security risk and has engaged in 'unacceptable acts', but the Chinese firm denies his accusations
Former CEO who grew Google into today's powerhouse is to step down from board of directors
After helping turning Google into a technology titan, Eric Schmidt steps down from his central role
Eric Schmidt hails next-generation intelligence following landmark AlphaGo victory
Will it ping Donald Trump? Spellchecker for hate and harassment urged to tackle terrorism on the internet
The tech industry will win fight against governments over the use of encryption on devices, says Eric Schmidt
Eric Schmidt says improved connectivity will create large shift in how we get online
Eric Schmidt says Google doesn’t always have it all their own way, despite having 90 percent of the search market
Google executive chairman awarded major reward package as recognition of the company's recent successes
We should have seen Facebook was coming, says Google’s chairman
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt has offered a step-by-step guide to ditching iOS
Google Chairman says Google UK tax arrangements comply with the law
Google's chairman Eric Schmidt says drones operated by members of the public pose a privacy and security risk
Schmidt rules out merger and says he isn't leaving the company
Former CEO will unload 3.2 million shares, keep 4.4 million for a rainy day
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt hopes Raspberry Pi will inspire a new generation of programmers
Google's Eric Schmidt has urged one of the world's least connected countries to open up to the Internet
Oracle has grilled Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt in court, who insisted only the names of the APIs were used
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt's techno-utopian ideals were brought down to earth by the German Chancellor at the CeBIT fair says Peter Judge
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt challenged attendees to use mobile technology to create a global community of equals
Android has 'differentiation' not 'fragmentation' according to Google CEO Eric Schmidt at the CES show
Sugar beats Schmidt, Ballmer and Jobs in eWEEK readers' dreams. Next. do you trust open source?
Blackberry ties second with iPhone, in eWEEK poll. Next: tell us your Fantasy HP CEO
Larry Page and Eric Schmidt are named in lawsuits over $500m settlement for illegal drug advertising
Britain is squandering its history of technological innovation, according to Google chairman Eric Schmidt
CEO-changes have not hampered Google and the same will be true for Apple, says Clint Boulton
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt will testify to the US Senate in an antitrust hearing in September
Newspapers have suggested that Google could have too much influence with the British Government