Emergency SOS function on Apple Watch credited with saving the life of a woman and her cat after carbon monoxide poisoning

Emergency SOS function on Apple Watch credited with saving the life of a woman and her cat after carbon monoxide poisoning
Californian city declares local state of emergency, after ransomware attack downed city systems earlier this month
Emergency feature for Apple iPhone 14 handset users coming to the UK, France, Germany and Ireland in December
Unprecedented move sees all operators in UK sending out government message with Coronavirus shutdown details to mobile customers
Spate of ransomware attacks on school systems leads state Governor last week to declare a state of emergency
British firm's acquisition welcomed by trade union as Motorola spends close to a £1bn for Airwave
Users who want to receive emergency notifications via Twitter have to register with relevant accounts
US authorities are warning about Telephone Denial of Service attacks against emergency telephone systems
People in America may in future be able to summon the emergency services via video or text
The UN agency for ICT is providing emergency telecoms for victims of the Japan earthquake