Browser firms write to European Commission alleging Microsoft's Edge web browser enjoys an unfair advantage

Browser firms write to European Commission alleging Microsoft's Edge web browser enjoys an unfair advantage
Alphabet's YouTube insists it is not slowing down Firefox, after complaints videos are taking extra long to load on the browser
European Commission ask whether Microsoft's Bing, Edge, and Apple's iMessage should be subject to Digital Markets Act (DMA)
Anyone with a Microsoft account can now use the new version of its Bing search engine, featuring the OpenAI chatbot
Update to Redmond's latest operating system, Windows 11, will add search button that promotes its Bing AI chatbot
Final final twitch of the Internet Explorer corpse? Microsoft has “permanently disabled” Internet Explorer from Windows 10
Challenge to Google, as Microsoft announces new AI-powered Bing homepage that allows a user to chat with search engine
Scammers are targeting users of Microsoft's Edge browser via malicious ads inserted into the news feed, warn security experts
Bloatware? Addition to Edge browser promoting Zip's “buy now, pay later” scheme at checkout webpages, is slammed by users
April Patch Tuesday update to remove legacy versions of the Edge browser, as Microsoft urges users to migrate to Chromium-based version
Beginning of the end for web veteran Internet Explorer, as Microsoft announces gradual retirement of the legacy web browser
Edge browser based on the open source Chromium project now available for download across multiple platforms
About time? Adobe Flash to be axed from Microsoft's new Chromium-based Edge browser
Third-party browsers now compatible with Microsoft's secure browsing system – but sandboxed sessions still run in Edge
Not again! Microsoft mulls the idea of warning Windows 10 users when installing Firefox or Chrome browsers
The bug could allow hackers to use Edge to launch malicious Javascript code, getting around a security feature introduced last year
Microsoft's first web browser once ruled the world, but it almost resulted in Redmond being broken up
UPDATED: Windows 10 Creators Update is now out for everyone to download but what does it bring? Silicon checks out
We all need a web browser, but which one do you use?
Windows 10 Anniversary adds support for Edge extensions, including pop up gatekeeper Adblock Plus
Microsoft's Edge and Internet Explorer browsers gain fixes for critical flaws in latest security update
So long IE. Microsoft confirms older versions of Internet Explorer will not longer be supported from January 12
Some versions of IE will no longer be supported after January 12, Microsoft confirms
By January 2016, Microsoft will have opened Edge’s ChakraCore repository onto GitHub
Microsoft’s first major update to Windows 10 brings enterprise enhancements and smarter Cortana
Business as usual as Microsoft issues 12 bulletins after last month's modest security update
Vulnerabilities patched for Windows, Office, Internet Explorer, as well as the new Edge browser
TechWeekEurope goes hands-on with a preview of Windows 10’s top features
Adobe Creative Cloud goes live in spring, featuring Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Touch Apps, Muse 1.0 and a preview of Adobe Edge
Adobe has released a first preview of Adobe Edge, which uses HTML5 to create Flash-like animation