News e-commerce

Elissa Quinby, Retail Insights Leader, Global Director of Retail Insights, for Quantum Metric

Silicon In Focus Podcast: The Neo Omnichannel

Are businesses still striving to build their omnichannel as they look towards their post-pandemic futures? The ability to move seamlessly from one digital channel to the next along the purchasing journey was always the Holy grail. Have ...

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: The Connected Customer

Learn how the definition of the ‘connected customer’ changed due to the pandemic. As consumers now use multiple touchpoints, is brand loyalty being tested? And how have customer services technologies had to evolve to manage the expecta ...

3 Essential E-Commerce Marketing Channels in 2022
Brand Voice

3 Essential E-Commerce Marketing Channels in 2022

There is no overestimating the importance of digital marketing. In 2022 this is one of the primary ways to grow your E-commerce business. Many different marketing channels can all play an important role in your marketing strategy. In t ...

Next Generation Omnichannel

Connected Commerce: Next Generation Omnichannel

The omnichannel has been a key driver for all businesses as they connect and integrate each of their customer-facing systems. As enterprises look towards their futures, how are next-generation omnichannel services being created and dep ...