
Datto Says Cheaper Sync And Share Makes It Rival To Dropbox And Box

Company giving away a free exabyte of storage to ‘first million’ companies that sign up to Datto Drive

9 years ago

Google Glass Driver Battles Traffic Ticket In Court

The Google Glass-wearing driver explains why she is fighting the traffic ticket in a Californian courtroom

11 years ago

Car Driver Issued Ticket For Wearing Google Glass

A woman driver in California has been issued a ticket by police after being caught wearing Google Glass

11 years ago

Google Drive 5GB Dropbox Rival To Land Next Week?

Apple Mac, iPhone, Windows and Android versions on the way for Google's Dropbox rival, say sources

13 years ago

IDC Warns Disk-Makers As 1TB Notebook HDD Debuts

IDC Tells HDD makers to change track to flourish as Samsung launches the first terabyte laptop hard disk

14 years ago

Data Migration Tool Ships With Intel Solid-State Drives

Making the jump from disk storage a snap, Intel will ship its solid-state drives with a free data-cloning toolkit

14 years ago