Will Google’s innovation fundamentally change how hybrid cloud services are built and deployed?
News Docker
All Docker Versions Vulnerable To Unpatched Flaw – Report
All versions of Docker are vulnerable to serious flaw, but a patch is being reviewed
Researchers Find ‘Doomsday’ Bug In Docker, Most Other Container Systems
The bug could allow a malicious container to attack a host system and the other containers found on it, qualifying as a 'doomsday scenario'
2017 Year In Review: Kubernetes Enables A Multi-Cloud World
ANALYSIS: 2017 was a transformational year for the open-source Kubernetes container project which is now supported on all three major public cloud providers
Docker Enterprise Edition Updated To Enhance Containers-as-a-Service
New edition promises to modernise applications and drive update of Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS)
Amazon Web Services Joins Cloud Native Computing Foundation
ANALYSIS: AWS is now a member of the open-source effort that is building Kubernetes, but that doesn't mean it will launch its own Kubernetes service
How Amazon’s EC2 Container Service Is Growing In The Public Cloud
General Manager of Amazon's public cloud container service explains how the platform has evolved and where it's headed
Docker Expands Enterprise Focus As Container Ecosystem Matures
Docker discusses initiatives at DockerCon that that will help enterprises implement containers as the open source technology evolves and matures
Docker Opens Ups Container Platform With LinuxKit And Moby Project
At DockerCon 17, Docker announces a pair of new projects to help developers and organisations build their own container-optimized Linux platforms
Oracle Partners With Docker To Boost App Development And Deployment
Coders can now place images of Oracle products in Docker to increase the pace of developing, testing and deploying apps
Silicon 360: How A 12 Year Old Used Containers For Minecraft
Roger Ian Dickinson from Cisco explains how one boy's desire to run Minecraft servers more efficiently is the same as many organisations' cloud journeys
Google Updates Kubernetes Cloud Container Management Capabilities
Google's Container Optimized OS and Kubernetes 1.6 are intended to make it easier for enterprises to run container workloads
Docker At 4: The Container Revolution Continues
ANALYSIS: Four years ago, few had heard of Docker. Now it's one of the leading technologies helping to enable DevOps and microservices deployments
Docker Touts Enterprise Edition For Corporate Container Deployments
As Cisco forms strategic alliance with Docker to deliver container capabilities for the data centre and cloud infrastructure.
Docker Secures Container Secrets in Datacenter Update
Docker has added new security features to its open-source and commercial container platforms
Docker Boosts Container Storage With Infinit Acquisition
Docker to directly integrate storage capabilities into its container engine, while still leaving room for organizations to choose other storage technologies
Canonical & Docker Partner For CS Docker Engine On Ubuntu
Enterprise development as Canonical and Docker deliver CS Docker Engine offering on Ubuntu
Trireme Open-Source Security Project Debuts for Kubernetes, Docker
Network isolation isn't the only way to secure application containers anymore, so Aporeto unveils a new security model for containers running in Docker or as part of Kubernetes cluster
OpenStack-Related Revenues Set To Rise By A Third Thanks To Private Cloud Growth
New research sees OpenStack growth with purpose-built private clouds
Run Apps In Docker If You Want Application Security
Often, new technologies raise security concerns. However, two reports claim it's safer to run applications inside containers than outside of them.
Google’s Made Its Biggest Move Yet For OpenStack Users
Google has worked with Mirantis and Intel to enable OpenStack on Kubernetes
Red Hat Doubles Down on Containers, Takes a Swipe at CloudFoundry
On the first day of the Red Hat Summit, Linux vendor Red Hat makes some incremental container announcements and belittles its competitors
Democratizing Docker: Changing Containers’ Competitive Landscape
ANALYSIS: Some new capabilities landed inside Docker that could create partner friction and more competition if not handled properly
Microsoft Brings Docker Datacentre To Azure Marketplace
Docker also launches Docker Store marketplace for growing Docker app community
Docker Container Usage Growing
A trio of new reports show positive trends for Docker container adoption, despite concerns Docker too complex to integrate into organisations' environments
Docker Founder Talks Of New Tool And Open-Source Lessons He Learned
Solomon Hykes, founder of Docker, details his firm's open-source experience and releases new tools at the OSCON conference
Why VCs Have Invested More Than $200M in Container Tech
ANALYSIS: Last week alone, investors—aiming to profit from the new approach to building, deploying and managing apps—poured $63M into container vendors.
How Linux Kernel Cgroups And Namespaces Made Modern Containers Possible
Computer service provider ElasticHosts offers insight into the underlying Linux Kernel technologies used by Docker, LXC and lmctfy
Oracle Quietly Buys Docker Container Startup StackEngine
StackEngine acquisition will give Oracle the ability to offer Docker services as the cloud-newbie plays to catch up with rivals such as AWS
Why Docker Is One Of The Most Talked-About Technologies
Docker Inc. founder Solomon Hykes explains how Docker container virtualization has become one of the hottest technologies on the planet