distributed denial of service attack

OpenAI Says ChatGPT Outage Caused By DDoS Attack

Outage of OpenAI's ChatGPT service is being blamed on a DDoS attack by pro-Russian hacking group Anonymous Sudan

12 months ago

Tech Giants Warn Of Largest-Ever DDoS Attack

Google, Amazon, Cloudflare all issue warnings after dealing with the largest-ever DDoS attack they have ever seen

1 year ago

European Parliament Website Downed After Russia Declared Terrorism Sponsor

Pro-Kremlin hackers Killnet takes credit for downing European Parliament website, after Russia declared state sponsor of terrorism

2 years ago

Ukraine Defence Ministry Suffers DDoS Attack

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence confirms it suffered a huge DDoS attack, while online services for two local banks were also…

3 years ago

New Zealand Banks, Post Offices Downed By DDoS Attack

Websites belonging to the national postal service and banks in New Zealand, have been knocked offline on Wednesday in an…

3 years ago

Fancy Lazarus DDoS Extortion Group Back With New Campaign

Warning from Link11, after it notices sharp increase in ransom focused distributed denial of service (RDDoS or RDoS) attacks

3 years ago

Wikipedia Website Knocked Offline By DDoS Attack

Outage for Wikipedia website last week after DDoS attack on the online encyclopaedia

5 years ago

Small-scale DDoS Attacks On The Rise – Neustar

Under the radar small-scale DDoS attacks have risen significantly, but the ability of companies to identify attacks remains a concern

5 years ago

Criminals Arrested As Webstresser DDoS Website Taken Down

National Crime Agency involved in international operation to take down website behind four million cyber attacks

7 years ago

GitHub Briefly Taken Offline In Largest-Ever DDoS Attack

The popular code-hosting site was taken offline for 10 minutes after being targeted by a massive 1.35Tbps DDoS attack

7 years ago

AWS Shield To Safeguard Web Apps From DDoS Nastiness

Amazon introduces AWS Shield managed service to protect against crippling DDoS attacks

8 years ago

Irish Government Websites Taken Down By DDoS Attacks

DDoS attack knocks Irish government websites offline, soon after major cyberattack on Irish lottery

9 years ago

BBC Website, iPlayer Outage Blamed On DDoS Attack

BBC blames “technical issue” for outages, but insiders point to a distributed denial of service attack

9 years ago

Anonymous Offers ‘Noob Guide’ To Hack ISIS

Payback on ISIS. New guide offers ways to hack Islamic State following terrorist attacks in Paris

9 years ago

Banks, Media Firms Targeted By Cyber Extortionists DD4BC

DD4BC gang threatens businesses with DDoS attack unless they cough up £8,000 worth of Bitcoins

9 years ago

Businesses ‘Becoming Complacent’ Over Danger Of DDoS Attacks

F5 study reveals security concerns over DDoS are falling, despite the number of attacks being on the rise

9 years ago

DDoS Attacks Target Network Timing Protocol

DDoS attacks against the Network Timing Protocol are flooding the market, warns US security body

11 years ago

DDoS Power Up 718 Percent Amidst Widespread Batterings

Prolexic sees seven-fold rise in average attack strength

12 years ago

‘Biggest DDoS Attack’ Did Not Hurt The Global Internet – This Time

TechWeekEurope investigates - the Spamhaus attacks didn't slow the Internet much at all, but they are seriously worrying

12 years ago

Millions Of Open Servers Are Helping To Set Off Huge Digital Bombs

Spamhaus attacks show how the Internet's millions of open DNS resolvers are 'the scourge of the Internet'

12 years ago

US Bank Hits Prove DDoS Attacks Are Scarily Powerful

US bank attacks prove that DDoS hits are getting much nastier. Businesses should be more than a little concerned, says…

12 years ago

Super-Charged DDoS Attacks Spike In 2012

Exclusive: Attackers ramp up their use of super-powerful DDoS strikes and Xbox gamers are getting hit too, data shown to…

12 years ago

Dealing With The DDoS Dealers

TechWeekEurope investigates the DDoS market, looking at how the dealers make their money, who's buying and what can be done…

12 years ago

Avaaz Faces Questions Over DDoS Begging Bowl

Avaaz says it was hit by a two-day DDoS lasting almost two days, but questions have been raised about why…

12 years ago