The UK has risen one place in Surfshark's Digital Quality of Life index, but is ranked 32nd globally for 'Internet quality'

The UK has risen one place in Surfshark's Digital Quality of Life index, but is ranked 32nd globally for 'Internet quality'
UK pledge to close the digital divide of broadband services for urban and rural customers is at risk, says Parliament's spending watchdog
Continuing digital divide between urban and rural areas is not being addressed by the government, committee warns
Speed tests collected by show small village near Wigan gets just 0.14Mbps download speed
Google's balloon-based Internet access system is set to begin testing with end users across the South Asian island
BT and Barclays team up to help tackle digital divide by offering Wi-Fi and support to the 'heartbeat' of the community
A Treasury minister has reportedly admitted that nearly 200,000 families are likely to face problems registering for the upcoming tax break, which can only be applied for online
One in five US adults do not use the Internet, many saying they don't go online because the technology is not relevant to them
The 2011 predictions cover green power, mind-reading machines, desirable junk mail, DNA passwords, and digital profusion
The government has issued an official notice to suppliers on its plans to tackle rural mobile black-spots
The UK government has given Welsh broadband a boost, with a cash allocation of nearly £57 million
So-called 'silver surfers' are being left behind as local authorities move their services online
Surrey County Council is inviting bids to get the final 20 percent of its residents connected to fibre broadband
Eutelsat's KA-SAT satellite went live today, delivering Tooway broadband to remote areas of Europe
Mobile and satellite operators reckon fibre is getting a leg-up at national level, but fibre broadband isn't always a winner, says Sophie Curtis
Local authorities can now bid for a share of the £50 million released by government for broadband investment
Councillor Neelie Kroes is targeting Internet virgins across the EU this week
Preserving the open nature of the Internet can be more complicated than it seems, says the Internet Society's Markus Kummer
The government's Race Online 2012 programme will offer PC and Internet packages for underserved users
Ofcom says the over-65s are gradually coming online, but charities want more help for the offline generation
When the government promises "the best broadband in Europe" what does it mean? We'll know in December
Developed countries are upgrading their copper broadband, while emerging economies leapfrog ahead on quality
The government wants to narrow the digital divide between town and country but will its current approach bear fruit when broadband services are in disarray?
Digital champion Martha Lane Fox and Prime Minister David Cameron plan to get the poorer elements of society off expensive paper-based services
Gordon Brown today laid out the government's strategy to transform Britain into a leading digital power, but contradictory measures in the Digital Economy Bill could foil his plans
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged superfast broadband for all by 2020, as well as an online platform to deliver personalised public services