IBM made plenty of big announcements this week, but why do any of them matter to you?

IBM made plenty of big announcements this week, but why do any of them matter to you?
Xamarain cross-platform tools hope to make Android porting easier, but Microsoft explains clashes with iOS 'Bridge' programme mean its curtains for Project Astoria
IBM launches 'connect' offerings for IBM Cloud, unlocking existing data and applications for easy discovery and use in cloud apps
Android version of Chrome will now look to link your device to the world
The new kernel, version 4.5, includes major driver improvements, including better 3D graphics support for the Raspberry Pi
Thomson Reuters' Albert Lojko explains how open markets and developer ecosystems are changing the fintech industry
Microsoft says PowerApps is is "an enterprise service for innovators" to connect, create and share business apps with your team
Raspberry Pi Zero is the foundation's cheapest and smallest ever device and will even be given away with a magazine
An Apache Software Foundation executive has slammed white men in the Open Source community for stifling diversity among project contributors
Teams of developers and designers on a weekend train journey will work on innovative railway projects to improve the rail travel experience
Google continues to add new features to its app marketplace following in-app purchase guidance warnings
Huawei offers resources and other support in bid to create new applications for networks, cloud and analytics
AR platform and developer ecosystem snapped up by PTC for £42m
Startup developers to be given grants and support as government seeks the next 'Tomb Raider'
The upcoming Linux 4.2 kernel will have more contributors than any other Linux kernel in history, according to Linux kernel developer Jonathan Corbet
IBM developerWorks Recipe IoT developer hangout created to share learning experiences and offer tips and advice
developerWorks Open platform allows developers to collaborate with IBM on a newly released set of open source technologies
Five grants and HoloLens headsets are on offer to successful applicants
Linux Foundation's Open Container Project also sees Docker and CoreOS agree on the future of the container
IBM pledges technology and 3,500 developers to Apache Spark, which will be used by its analytics and commerce platforms as well as Watson Health Cloud
But we'll have to wait until later this year to see how Google’s new open platform will scrub up
CEO Aaron Levie says customers will see Box less as an app and more as a platform in the future
Microsoft courts developers with Windows 10 SDKs and revamped Windows Store
Box offers SDKs, developer edition and the prospect of $40m in venture capital funding
British chipmaker teams up with IBM to get developers online faster than ever before
Ordnance Survey says it wants to help developers create new kinds of application through open data and better licences
Developer edition of SmartEyeglass opens for pre-order today, costing $840 (£520)
New tools from MediaTek Labs should lead to cheaper and smarter IoT-connected devices coming soon
Dropbox's new UK chief says London office and hackathon will let it tap city's development community and reach new customers
Second satellite launch paves way for mobile broadband launch later in 2015