
Former Wirecard CEO Dismisses ‘Absurd’ Allegations

Defence for former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun begins in Germany, with his lawyer lambasting prosecution charges

2 years ago

US Warns Russian Hackers Targetting Defence Contractors

American security agencies warn Russian-backed hackers have acquired sensitive US weapons data after breach defence contractors

3 years ago

UK, Australia Reach Cyber, Critical Tech Agreement

Australia says it will 'fight back' against nation state cyberattacks, after agreements with the UK over cyber, technology, and other…

3 years ago

Newport Wafer Fab Sold To China, Has UK Government Defence Contracts

Newport Wafer Fab has over a dozen UK government research contracts, including a defence contract, despite being sold to Chinese-owned…

4 years ago

UK Reserves Nuclear Strike Response For ‘Emerging Technologies’ Attack

The UK Integrated Defence Review includes subtle change about when it may use nuclear weapons if attacked by 'emerging technologies'

4 years ago

Trump Vetoes $740bn Defense Bill Over Section 230

US President follows through on threat and vetoes major US defence bill over Section 230 protection for social networking firms

4 years ago

F35 Fighter Data Stolen In Hack On Australian Contractor

30GB of data on next generation joint strike fighter jet stolen in damaging hacking operation down under

7 years ago

FormBook Malware Campaign Targets US & South Korean Defence Contractors

Aerospace, defence, and manufacturing sectors in US and South Korea currently targeted by malware campaign

7 years ago

Booz Allen Hamilton Leaves Pentagon Files On Open Amazon Server

Oops. American defence contractor leaves sensitive US government files on public server with no password protection

8 years ago

Data Stolen From Singapore Military In ‘Carefully Planned’ Cyber Attack

The heist, which officials suggested may have been carried out by a nation-state, extracted only basic data on 850 government…

8 years ago

French Submarines Spring A Leak In Indian Data Breach

Secret documents on Indian submarines built by French contractor DCNS have been leaked, according to Australian media

9 years ago

Hacked Companies ‘Should Go Public’, Says Ex-Minister

Former defence secretary Liam Fox also calls for new government investment in cybersecurity protection

9 years ago

US Defence Secretary Used Personal Email For Government Business

Pentagon boss violated rules after using personal email account to conduct government business

9 years ago

Government Urges Free Cyber Health Check For British Firms

Top UK businesses are being urged by the Government to take part in a free Cyber Health Check

9 years ago

David Cameron Wants To Increase Spending On RAF Drones

Prime Minister urges defence chiefs to plough more cash into RAF Reaper drones to combat IS threat

10 years ago

BAE Systems’ Oculus Rift VR Tech Could Revolutionise Warfare

‘Mixed Reality’ displays will allow control of the battlefield from hundreds of miles away

10 years ago

US ‘Cyber Patriot’ Games Are Coming To The UK

Known as ‘Cyber Centurion’ on this side of the Atlantic, a new competition wants to prepare young students for careers…

11 years ago

InfoSec 2013: MoD Warns Cyber Attack Could Bring Down Government

Head of information security at MoD tells TechWeek he isn't over-hyping the threat

12 years ago

Eurofighter Maker EADS Attacked – Chinese Hackers Blamed

Chinese hackers are behind an attack on the Eurofighter-maker, sources say

12 years ago

China Again Implicated In Persistent Cyber Attacks On Defence Bodies

Sophisticated, persistent cyber attacks have hit a host of defence and aerospace firms, FireEye reports

12 years ago

Defence Secretary Warns Of EMP Weapons Threat

UK infrastructure is vulnerable to bombs creating an electromagnetic surge, says Phillip Hammond

13 years ago

Standalone Akamai Security Service Aims To Block DDoS Attacks

Akamai has announced Kona Site Defender security service to defend customers against various types of DDoS attacks

13 years ago

Trojan Targets Defence And Government With Fake Conference Emails

To steal sensitive data, attackers targeted defence industry and government officials with fake Trojanised conference invitations

13 years ago

RSA Learns From Its Maginot Mistake

RSA's Art Coviello gave a wake-up call to the new world of cyber-attacks at last week's RSA Conference, reports Eric…

13 years ago

IronKey Unveils Bank Cyber-Crime Security Kit

IronKey introduced an integrated banking platform of multiple security controls to combat cyber-criminals

14 years ago

Amazon GovCloud Secured For US Government

Amazon Web Services has launched a tightly secured cloud offering, AWS GovCloud, for the US government

14 years ago

Government Blocked 1,000 Serious Attacks Last Year

Defence secretary reveals that serious cyber-attacks against government systems are increasing rapidly

14 years ago

Reports: Two More Military Contractors Hacked

Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin spinoff L-3 Communications may have been hit by cyber-attacks

14 years ago

Coordinated Cyber-Attack Could Create ‘Perfect Storm’

A war fought entirely in cyberspace is unlikely but governments must boost their defences, says the OECD

14 years ago

Endgame Systems’ Reputation Service Sniffs Out Botnets

Startup ipTrust will warn businesses when botnets strike by revealing links form specific IP addresses to Web-threats

14 years ago