Yahoo and Microsoft's Bing have joined Google in complying with 'right to be forgotten' requests
News Data protection
UK ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Requests Are Europe’s Third-Highest
The search engine has received more than 18,000 UK requests under the EU's 'right to be forgotten' data protection laws
Worrying Amount Of Europe’s Professionals Have No Idea What Encryption Policies Their Companies Have
The vast majority are not confident their organisation complies with data protection regulations
Google Sets Series Of ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Data Protection Meetings
Google said the meetings are intended to help it deal with 'right to be forgotten' requests, but others see a PR stunt
Google Faces Italian Deadline For User Data Policies
Google faces more drama in Italy after its regulator handed out a deadline to reform its data use policies
ICO Criticised Over Lack Of Transparency In Internal Breach
The watchdog says it can't release the details of the data breach because it is linked to " an ongoing criminal investigation"
ICO Raps Police Forces Over Data Protection
Data protection watchdog highlights data handling issues across different British police forces
EU Data Watchdog Calls For Snooping Protection
European citizens need better protection from state-sponsored spying, warns top EU watchdog
EU To Tighten Data Protection Controls On US Internet Giants
Reform measures agreed on Friday are to apply EU data protection laws to non-European companies that do business within the Single Market
eBay Faces Probes Over Data Breach
The ICO and three US states are investigating eBay over its handling of a data breach that exposed the details of 145 million users
Snapchat Settles FCC Charges For ‘Deceiving Users’
Snapchat reprimanded by US regulator and faces 20 years of scrutiny for deceiving its users
SAP Rejects Call For Pan-European IT Champion
German software giant SAP rejects calls for a unified European software company to challenge the US after NSA spying scandal
Facebook Could Face Investigation In Ireland Over PRISM Data
A group of Austrian law students demands action from the Irish privacy watchdog
Merkel Gets Behind Controversial European Data Protection Reform
European Commission's polarising data protection reforms get a boost thanks to Edward Snowden
EMC Upgrades Data Protection And Data Domain Systems
EMC has upgraded its Data Domain systems, as well as its data protection suite and deduplication software
Dell Tightens Corporate Security With Protected Workplace
Dell has beefed up enterprise security with the launch of Protected Workspace for business PCs
The EC Data Protection Proposals Will Be Costly And Complex
European data protection laws will be costly and frustrating, warn Sally Annereau and Debbie Heywood
How The Government Is Lying About Fighting The Database State
Exclusive: The Tories said they would end the database state, but ministers like Jeremy Hunt are doing the opposite
EU: UK Government Will Lose The Fight Against Privacy Laws
Exclusive: EU sources say UK has little backing as it seeks to kill privacy regulation,whilst Viviane Reding bites back against British lobbyists
UK Battles Brussels To Kill Data Privacy Regulation
Lord McNally wants lightweight privacy rules instead of the EU's proposed tough Regulation
UK Police World’s Hungriest For Skype Users’ Private Data
Microsoft figures show British police make more requests for Skype user data than other forces in any other nation
MPs: ICO Faces £42.8m Shortfall Thanks To European Privacy Plans
Taxpayers could end up paying more if European data protection proposals go ahead as planned, says Justice Committee
Yahoo EU Data Privacy Lobbying Efforts Leaked
Yahoo wants to ensure "pseudonymous" data does not have the same protections as non-anonymised information in Europe
Google Faces Punishment After Failing To Answer European Privacy Regulators
Google's controversial privacy policy could land it with a fine in Europe
ICO Slaps Nursing And Midwifery Council With £150k Fine
ICO calls the midwife after courier loses DVDs
American NGOs Urge Their Government To Support EU Privacy Proposals
Seventeen US organisations ask their government to have the courage of Obama's convictions
Why Data Protection Day Is A Dismal Failure
Data Protection Day fails to inspire yet again - it's time for a different story, says Tom Brewster
EU Committee Votes To “Water Down” Data Protection Regulation
The decision shows dissent in the EU Parliament, but is far from being final
US Data Privacy Campaigners Support Brussels Against US Interference
US groups from opposing factions do battle in Brussels
EU Proposals To Force Cyber Attack Transparency On Businesses
Exclusive: European Commission hopes to enshrine transparency around cyber incidents in law