An NHS body in Wales gets hit with a £70,000 fine after sensitive data is sent to the wrong patient
News data breach
Infosec: Information Commissioner Denies Private Sector ‘Pussyfooting’
The commissioner tells TechWeekEurope there is no bias towards the private sector, despite figures that would suggest otherwise
London Marathon Faces ICO Investigation
Marathon organisers posted runners' details on official website
Businesses Confidence In Data Security At Low Ebb
A new survey has revealed a chronic lack of confidence among businesses about their data protection
Hacker Exposes Three Million Iranian Bank Account Details
Iranian man posts debit and credit card details on his blog to highlight security vulnerabilities
Toshiba in Competition Data Breach
Toshiba's website fail leads to user info leaking and a breach of the Data Protection Act
GE Healthcare Admits Sending NHS Patient Data To US
NHS IT Provider says 600,000 patients have no need to worry
Eastern European Hackers Blamed For Utah Medicaid Data Breach
Hackers are thought to have taken 24,000 sensitive files from the Utah Health Department
MasterCard And Visa Warn Banks Of Credit Card Data Breach
Sources say that more than 10 million credit card numbers may be compromised
ICO Sony Data Breach Decision Coming in Six Weeks
The deputy Informatino Commissioner reveals a decision on last year's Sony breach is imminent
UK Data Breach Cost Drops To £1.75 Million
Ponemon research shows businesses are getting better at preparing for breaches
ICO Raps Scottish Charity For USB Data Breach
A Scottish charity is told off after one of its workers is robbed of two unencrypted USB sticks.
Small To Medium Businesses Carry Higher Risk Of Data Breaches
A new report from Ponemon has said that there is a higher risk of data breaches among small businesses
ICO Slaps Cheshire East Council With £80,000 Fine
The Information Commissioner has fined Cheshire East council £80,000 for not properly protecting personal data
Motorola Admits Selling Xoom Tablets With User Data
Motorola has admitted a data breach incident after it accidentally resold 100 Xoom tablets containing user data
Report Reveals VeriSign Was Repeatedly Hacked In 2010
Quarterly report from last November reveals that the network infrastructure provider was hacked and had data stolen multiple times in 2010
Met Police Alerts ICO After It Shares 1,000 Victims’ Email Adresses
The Metropolitan Police apologises after it sends 1,136 emails while sending out a survey
Taxpayers Alliance Calls For Personal Liability For Data Breaches
The Taxpayers' Alliance says p[ublic sector data loss fines should be paid by individuals, not tax payers - others sidagree
NHS Trust Will Appeal Against ICO Penalty
The Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust will appeal if fined £375,000 by ICO
The Cattle Group Loses Data Of 1.4 Million Clients
The Cattle Group reports loss of backup tape containing personal and financial data on clients
Anonymous Outs Neo-Nazi Site Members
Anonymous Germany has launched a website to out neo-nazi site members as part of operation blitzkrieg
Imperva: New Hacker Tools Crack Hashed Passwords
New tools such as code dictionaries and rainbow tables are helping crooks to crack systems, according to Imperva
HP: Firms Fail To Manage Sensitive Data Access
Organisations should pay more attention to employees' levels of access to sensitive data, says HP
132 Councils Named And Shamed For Data Loss
Local authorities still flagrantly disregard data protection laws in over 1,000 cases of negligent data loss
Anonymous Implicated In Finnish Web Hacks
Neo-Nazi politicians were exposed in Finland - but was Anonymous really responsible?
ICO Slams Rochdale For Data Loss
Rochdale Council lost 18,000 residents’ data on unencrypted USB stick, the ICO said
NHS Loses 800 Patient Records On Unencrypted USB
The Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust lost the records of 800 patients and did not inform them
ICO Censures Manchester Hospital For Data Breach
A Manchester hospital has lost information about patient treatments in the latest NHS data breach scandal
ICO Censures Lancashire Police For Data Breach
Lancashire Police, formerly the haunt of ex-Met boss Paul Stephenson, has been cited for breaching the DPA
EU’s Lawmakers Seek Enterprise Input On Data Laws
The European Commission has thrown open the debate on refinements to laws on reporting data breaches