data breach

Government: Half Of UK Businesses Suffered Security Breach Last Year

Government report highlights the security threats facing businesses and the impacts of being breached

8 years ago

One In Five UK Businesses Has Suffered A Cyberattack

British Chambers of Commerce reveals that UK businesses continue to fall victim to cyber attacks

8 years ago

Cybersecurity Incidents Cost Shareholders £42 Billion

Shareholders lose out as financial impact of security breaches equates to £120 million loss of market value. And it's only…

8 years ago

Wonga Suffers Mass Data Breach Affecting 245,000 UK Customers

Stolen data from customers in the UK and Poland includes names, addresses and credit card information

8 years ago

Microsoft Boosts Office 365 Security And Data Compliance

Threat Intelligence and Data Governance capabilities come to Office 365

8 years ago

IAAF Cyber Attack Puts Confidential Athlete Medical Data At Risk

IAAF president Sebastian Coe apologises for breach affecting athelete medical records

8 years ago

Hackers Demand Ransom In Exchange For Stolen Apple iCloud Accounts

Hacker's claims are yet to be fully verified as Apple says it won't pay up for stolen user credentials

8 years ago

ICO: Councils ‘Have Work To Do’ Ahead Of GDPR

'Concerning' shortcomings include the lack of mandatory data protection training at many local authorities, the ICO said

8 years ago

ABTA Data Breach Impacts 43,000 Holidaymakers

ABTA says passwords were encrypted, mitigating risk, following attack on third party hosting provider

8 years ago

Security Breach Sees Thousands Of Welsh NHS Staff Data Stolen

The data was swiped form a server being operated by an external contractor

8 years ago

1.4bn Emails Exposed As Huge Spam Operation Fails To Password Protect Documents

Spammergate: Researchers discover vast database of email addresses and suggestions of cybercrime against spam kings sending 1bn messages a day

8 years ago

Coachella Website Hack: 950,000 User Accounts For Sale On The Dark Web

Big data breach shows organisations of all sizes and sectors are open to the attentions of cyber criminals

8 years ago

Yahoo Woes Continue As Hackers Access 32 Million Accounts Using Forged Cookies

Yahoo regulatory filing reveals continued impacts of mass security failings

8 years ago

Verizon Shaves Off $350m From Yahoo Purchase After Massive Data Breaches

The telecoms giant will share the cost of lawsuits levied at Yahoo following the cyber attacks it suffered

8 years ago

Yahoo Issues Fresh Warning About Compromised Accounts

Does it ever end? Yahoo issues fresh warning to users after disastrous data breach

8 years ago

Executives And IT Managers Disagree On Who Is Responsible For Cybersecurity

BAE survey says that unless there is more coordination between executives and IT departments, hackers will find holes to exploit

8 years ago

Sports Direct Hides Massive 2016 Data Breach From 30,000 Employees

Security experts lambaste the retailers handling of the data breach

8 years ago

MPs Slam ‘Dysfunctional’ Governmental Breach Reporting

Parliamentary committee also warns of real skill shortage to tackle growing cyber menace

8 years ago

President Trump’s Top Security Advisers Have Had Their Passwords Hacked

Several key members of Trump's cabinet have found themselves caught up in the spate of recent mass data breaches

8 years ago

Attackers ‘Steal’ 900GB Of Data From Phone Hacker Cellebrite

The stolen information in Cellebrite hack included customer information and technical product data

8 years ago

ICO Slaps Insurers RSA With £150,000 Fine After Data Protection ‘Failure’

An unencrypted hard drive containing customer's names, addresses and bank account details was stolen

8 years ago

Hacker CyberZeist Breaches FBI Website And Leaks Data

Leaked FBI data has been posted online after a well known hacker penetrated the Fed's CMS system

8 years ago

Box Increases Security After Researcher Accesses Confidential Data

Box denies flaw allowed user data to be leaked, but increases precautions

8 years ago

Password Reuse Strikes Again As Fraudsters Hit Groupon Users

One user has claimed their account was used to purchase a £2,400 European holiday

8 years ago

LinkedIn’s Suffers Data Breach, 9.5 Million Users Alerted To The Hack

55,000 users have had their passwords reset after someone gained access to a database containing user information

8 years ago

Yahoo Suffers Biggest Data Breach In History With A Billion Accounts Hacked

Another major data breach could torpedo Yahoo’s acquisition by Verizon

8 years ago

Rehab Order For One TalkTalk Hacker As Another Teenager Faces Prison

Teenager TalkTalk hacker has iPhone confiscated, as a second teenager pleads guilty to ISP attack

8 years ago

Hackers Pilfer Trade Secrets In ThyssenKrupp Cyber Attack

Hackers have looted sensitive trade secrets from a German conglomerate in latest damaging data breach

8 years ago

Scottish Football Association Suffers Third-Party Data Breach

"I'd rather be associated with being hacked by some porn site," says one unhappy football fan

8 years ago

Europol Terror Data Found On Unsecured Network Drive

Red faces at Euro cops after sensitive terror data is found online by Dutch TV programme

8 years ago