News Cybersecurity

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast

Silicon In Focus Podcast: Open Source, Open Security?

As security continues to be a significant issue as businesses innovate, today’s podcast considers the factors impacting the secure use of open source and how businesses can be more proactive with security as they create new applications.

1 min
The State of Quantum Security

The State of Quantum Security

No longer a technology on the distant horizon, quantum computing brings with it security challenges that all enterprises must pay close attention to. So, what does this mean for digital security in an age of quantum computing capability?

12 min
Brand Voice

Insurance and Cyber Security: Why These Two Things Should Be...

Small businesses have a variety of threats to worry about, with cyber threats being chief among them. Despite the fact that they do not represent such a bounteous target as larger enterprises, the very fact that smaller businesses invest less time and attention into their cybersecurity makes them a more appealing target.

5 min
A hacker surrounded by data. Cyberattacks
Brand Voice

Beating the Barbarians: How to Protect Your Workers from Cyberattacks

The pandemic forced businesses to make radical changes to how they organised their workforces. A shift to mass remote working is bringing with it a renewed need to ensure robust and flexible digital security systems are in place when remote workers connect to what can be sensitive data.

3 min

Know your Enemy: How to Deal with Cyber Extortion

Experts from Link11, Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI) and Berkeley Rowe International Lawyers, dive deep into the cyber threats that plague businesses and discuss how we can fight back from a technical and legal viewpoint

5 min