This latest Locky variant appears to have traits similar to a Russian doll
Easy to use and free hacking tools are pulling young people into a life of cybercrime, claims NCA
British Chambers of Commerce reveals that UK businesses continue to fall victim to cyber attacks
Germany's cyber-security bureau said it has moved to a position of heightened readiness as the autumn's federal elections near
The NCSC and the NCA have warned that smartphones, televisions and fitness trackers are the next likely targets for ransomware…
Organised crime study reveals that nearly all criminal gangs are now using some form of technology
ANALYSIS: Trump withheld an executive order on cybersecurity, leaving the Washington IT community wondering what changes he intends to make
A top security expert with Kaspersky Lab arrested in connection with treason investigation
One in three Londoners said they had been hit by financial computer crime
The IoT botnet code was used to power an attack that knocked Twitter and Netflix offline last year
ANALYSIS: The rules of traditional warfare don't apply in cyber war, even to the point where it's hard to tell…
Court documents reveal US investigators hacked thousands of suspects' computers around the world
Customer accounts hacked but Deliveroo denies breach of its systems and urges customers to improve their passwords
UPDATED: A bug in firewalls from Cisco and others would allow a single laptop to take large websites offline
Friend Finder Network breach includes users and 'deleted' accounts
Experts warn the US election could be disrupted by hackers, and warn authorities to closely watch key US states
British financial institutions are reportedly looking into buying up stocks of bitcoin that could be used to pay off denial-of-service…
Shop shock. Hackers have compromised nearly 6,000 online shops to skim payment card data. And the problem is getting worse
Official report blames 'foreign intelligence service' for hack on Aussie weather supercomputer
The fallout from the hack of Yahoo continues, with US senators lambasting firm's handling of incident
ANALYSIS: Hackers have stolen details of 500m Yahoo accounts. Here's what you should do and what businesses should do next
Keen Security Lab researchers discover a cyber vulnerability in Tesla's connected car
Customers to receive 'anti-fraud reports' as security clampdown continues for banking messaging system
Ransomware attacks have quadrupled in frequency since last year, US officials say
Names of 800,000 porn account holders placed in a compromising position after damaging data breach
Sophisticated new hacking attacks against banking system are ongoing and persistent, warns SWIFT
Yet only one university contacted the police about their attack, as criminals demand as much as £2,200
DDoS attacks increase by over 200 percent, with the UK the second most targeted nation
A feature designed to make Linux-based networks harder to infiltrate has done the opposite. But can it really affect Tor?
Crippling threat...20 percent of firms hit by ransomware had to cease business operations