cyber warfare

US Defence Secretary Panetta Warns Of Cyber 9/11

As the US ramps up spending on its digital arsenal, its defence secretary warns of cyber disaster

12 years ago

Mass Online Spying Campaign Hitting Middle East

The 'Madi' mass cyber espionage campaign sees over 800 machines infected across the Middle East

13 years ago

GCHQ Needs More Cyber War Skills, Say MPs

More cyber soldiers wanted for "active defence" at GCHQ

13 years ago

US Plans Cyber Attacker Academy

The US has posted a job ad looking for recruits for the NSA's Cyber Exploitation Corps Development Program

13 years ago

Mikko Hypponen: Flame Worm Another ‘Failure’ For Security Industry

Hypponen says he's disappointed by the security industry's inability to track down 'super-weapon' Flame sooner

13 years ago

Flame Cyber ‘Super-Weapon’ Caught Firing On Iran

Flame may be the most sophisticated cyber weapon ever seen. Thanks to Iran, fingers are already pointed at nation states

13 years ago

Infosec: Government ‘Not Clear Enough’ On Cyber War Strategy

Thales' Ross Parsell, who has been advising on the UK's Cyber Security Strategy, says the government must be clearer on…

13 years ago

US And China Conducted Cyber War Games In Secret

China and US held exercises to head off escalated hostilities after accusations of data breaches

13 years ago

Japan Develops Defensive Cyberweapon Arsenal

Japanese military plans to deal with an offensive cyber-attack on the country and its infrastructure have been revealed

13 years ago

Iranians Claim Hack Brought Down US Drone Spy Plane

Iran claims a known GPS hack brought down a US Sentinel spy plane, but US military says it was just…

13 years ago

Five Year Cyber Attack On US And UN Revealed

Is China behind attacks on the US, South Korea, the Olympics Committee and others, exposed by McAfee?

14 years ago

Government Admits Building Cyber-Weapons

The British government is building a 'toolbox' of offensive cyber-weapons, according to the armed forces minister

14 years ago

Can The UK Learn From US Cyber Security Plans?

The US government's plans to secure infrastructure look good, says Peter Judge. Maybe Britain can learn a thing or two…

14 years ago

Cyber Crime Costs UK £27 Billion A Year

The shocking cost of cyber crime to the UK economy has been revealed in a new government and industry study

14 years ago

British Navy Website Suspended After Hacking Attack

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed that the Royal Navy website has been suspended after it was hacked into

14 years ago

Europe Holds Cyber-Warfare Test

The Cyber Europe 2010 will simulate an attack designed to cut Europe's nations off from one another

14 years ago

Burma Taken Off-Net By Cyber Attack

The Asian nation of of Myanmar, formerly Burma, has been hit by a massive denial-of-service attack

14 years ago

Cyber Security Test Range Opens In Hampshire

A cyber security test range, where institutions can test their own networks and infrastructure against hackers and viruses, has opened…

14 years ago

Cyber-Warfare: Always An Unknown Quantity

Cyber defence looks set to get a budget boost, while everyone else loses money, says Peter Judge. The irony is,…

14 years ago

Home Secretary Calls Cyber Warfare A ‘Growing Threat’

Theresa May has underscored the importance of cyber-threats ahead of the unveiling of a new national security strategy

14 years ago