
EU Proposes Cross-Border Crowdfunding Regime In Fintech PushEU Proposes Cross-Border Crowdfunding Regime In Fintech Push

EU Proposes Cross-Border Crowdfunding Regime In Fintech Push

The plan would create a single regulatory scheme across Europe for crowdfunding platforms, as the EU prepares for Brexit

7 years ago
Psion-Inspired Gemini Smartphone Ships To Crowdfund BackersPsion-Inspired Gemini Smartphone Ships To Crowdfund Backers

Psion-Inspired Gemini Smartphone Ships To Crowdfund Backers

The device, demonstrated at CES earlier this year, is now on its way to initial backers and start-up Planet Computers…

7 years ago
Switzerland To Ease Red Tape For Fintech StartupsSwitzerland To Ease Red Tape For Fintech Startups

Switzerland To Ease Red Tape For Fintech Startups

Swiss government proposes new rules to help financial technology startups enter the market

8 years ago
Sony Turns To Crowdfunding For Its Stylish Next SmartwatchSony Turns To Crowdfunding For Its Stylish Next Smartwatch

Sony Turns To Crowdfunding For Its Stylish Next Smartwatch

Wena Wrist looks for investment on Sony First Flight platform

10 years ago
Russell Brand Kicks Off Cryptocurrency RevolutionRussell Brand Kicks Off Cryptocurrency Revolution

Russell Brand Kicks Off Cryptocurrency Revolution

Comedian turned political revolutionary teams up with Startjoin to help raise funds

10 years ago
Kickstarter Pledges Support For StripeKickstarter Pledges Support For Stripe

Kickstarter Pledges Support For Stripe

Crowdfunding website drops Amazon Payments to make supporting projects quicker and easier

10 years ago
ProtonMail Account Freed After PayPal ‘Freeze’ProtonMail Account Freed After PayPal ‘Freeze’

ProtonMail Account Freed After PayPal ‘Freeze’

The ProtonMail project can once again access the money it has raised after an unpleaseant incident with the payments service

11 years ago
Cool Jamaican Olympic Bobsleigh Campaign Raises Value Of DogecoinCool Jamaican Olympic Bobsleigh Campaign Raises Value Of Dogecoin

Cool Jamaican Olympic Bobsleigh Campaign Raises Value Of Dogecoin

Crowdfunding using Dogecoin sends Jamaican bobsled team to Sochi

11 years ago
Ubuntu Mobile Is In A Stronger Place Despite Crowdfunding FailureUbuntu Mobile Is In A Stronger Place Despite Crowdfunding Failure

Ubuntu Mobile Is In A Stronger Place Despite Crowdfunding Failure

The Ubuntu Edge may never be made, but Ubuntu Mobiles are one step closer to a reality, says Steve McCaskill

12 years ago
Bloomberg Is First Major Corporate Ubuntu Edge BackerBloomberg Is First Major Corporate Ubuntu Edge Backer

Bloomberg Is First Major Corporate Ubuntu Edge Backer

Bloomberg pledges $80,000 towards Ubuntu Edge, but project looks set to miss funding target

12 years ago
Kickstarter UK Coming SoonKickstarter UK Coming Soon

Kickstarter UK Coming Soon

Kickstarter UK will arrive soon, a tweet from the crowdfunding organisation reveals

13 years ago
Pebble Watch Raises $9 Million On KickstarterPebble Watch Raises $9 Million On Kickstarter

Pebble Watch Raises $9 Million On Kickstarter

Developer reaches $100,000 target in just two hours

13 years ago