After the government authorises Covid-19 vaccines for over 45s, NHS booking website crashes briefly under the strain

After the government authorises Covid-19 vaccines for over 45s, NHS booking website crashes briefly under the strain
Update to NHS' Covid-19 contact-tracing app blocked by Apple and Google over feature that would have allowed users to upload log of venues they had visited
US federal judge gives Amazon setback with ruling to move New York Attorney General lawsuit back to state court, amidst broader labour controversy
Google is ramping up the partial re-opening of its offices in the US, but places restrictions on remote working in the future
As US, UK begins to emerge from Coronavirus lockdowns, US tech giants Microsoft and Facebook announce limited office re-opening
Nearly 60,000 frontline BT staff who kept the UK's vital communication channels working during the Coronavirus pandemic, are to receive a bonus
Alphabet unit reaffirms commitment to California and signals hefty investment in data centres and jobs due to pandemic surge
BT will 'build like fury' to deliver fibre to the premise for 20 million homes and businesses by 2030 after Ofcom agreement
British Airways trials in-house system for verifying passenger vaccine certificates and Covid-19 tests, with plans to add the features to its mobile app
Online education platform Coursera plans for public listing as it reveals revenue surge due to Covid-19-related shift to remote learning
Platform increases use of warning labels on misleading Covid-19 vaccine posts, and introduces scaling “strike” system for repeat offenders
Female executive at AWS accuses e-commerce giant of discrimination against black people and hired Harvey Weinstein lawyer
NCSC investigates after hackers compromised one of the world’s top biology labs at Oxford University, that is investigating Coronavirus
After UK's top court rules Uber drivers are workers, European Commission begins consultation on gig economy worker rights
New York’s attorney general files lawsuit against e-commerce giant, alleging it failed to protect workers during pandemic
North Korean hackers have attempted to steal valuable Covid-19 vaccine information from Pfizer, warns South Korean intelligence
The scale of contribution of the former UK telecom incumbent BT to the British economy has been revealed in an independent report
Needing chips. Ongoing silicon shortages prompt Japanese car maker Mazda to warn it may cut global vehicle production by 34,000
No need for Apple Watch users to remove their facemask, in order to unlock their iPhone, with the iOS 14.5 update currently in beta
What pandemic? Strong performance in advertising sales and cloud business drives profits and revenues at Google parent Alphabet
Uber's attempt to purchase British rival Autocab is being officially investigated by the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
Leak surrounding the Netherlands’ coronavirus track-and-trace programme, results in the personal data of people being stolen, amid curfew riots
Announcement this week that Google Maps will begin to display US locations that offer Covid-19 vaccinations, with world locations following
Firm finishes 2020 with its most profitable ever quarter, thanks to soaring pandemic sales of iPhones, iPads and Macbooks
As a silicon shortage slows global car production, Taiwanese government minister says chip makers are at full capacity but will try to priortise car makers
Supply chain squeeze. Worldwide shortage of CPUs is slowing the manufacturing of new cars from a number of the world's largest car makers
See-through television, rollable smartphone, and gaming company making a highly advanced facemask among new developments during CES 2021
NEC launches facial recognition system that can identify people, even if they are wearing masks to protect against Coronavirus
Streaming service YouTube restores talkRADIO after a “further review” of its controversial decision to remove it over Covid-19 content
Coronavirus misinformation speculated as reason for YouTube removing Ofcom-regulated TalkRadio from its streaming platform