News covid-19

Next Generation Omnichannel

Connected Commerce: Next Generation Omnichannel

The omnichannel has been a key driver for all businesses as they connect and integrate each of their customer-facing systems. As enterprises look towards their futures, how are next-generation omnichannel services being created and deployed?

13 min
The Tech of ESG

The Tech of ESG

Every business is re-drawing its digital transformation strategies. A key pillar of these plans is how ESG is supported across their enterprises. For post-pandemic businesses, ESG is now a critical market differentiator consumers are paying close attention to and using to define the commercial relationships with brands they covet.

13 min
Christian Lund, Co-founder, Templafy

Silicon In Focus Podcast: Content Enablement

Templafy's own research shows over one in four in the UK (27%) use six to ten different applications a week, resulting in 29% of UK workers feeling frustrated from changing between so many tools and wasting time.

1 min