“We need to reboot the thing called democracy,” says former spokesman for the file-sharing website

“We need to reboot the thing called democracy,” says former spokesman for the file-sharing website
A judge rules in favour of Oracle against a company providing cheap third-party support to Oracle customers
The 'ineffective' ban on the Pirate Bay website has been overturned by a Dutch Court
The new intellectual property crime unit PIPCU uses threats, not due process, to get copyright-infringing domains off the Internet
PIPCU is fighting against copyright infringement by revoking domain names and putting pressure on advertisers, all without going to court
For years, the US Department of Defence had used unlicensed copies of logistics software
BeeMP3, FilesTube and TorrentHound join the likes of the Pirate Bay on the copyright holders’ blacklist
Site founder Gary Fung says he’ll be back, but the case establishes that a Torrent index infringes copyright
Shut down websites we deem illegal or face the consequences, says PIPCU
PIPCU will handle everything from illegal downloads to fake Gucci bags
Dotcom has lots of other stuff going on, like setting up a political party, so has no time to lead Mega
A flood of fake Apple and Samsung smartphones stopped at the border
Eight online advertising companies pledge to stop funding copyright infringement
Gottfrid Svartholm Warg is accused of yet another cybercrime, this time in Denmark
Facebook’s latest advert features music that sounds suspiciously similar to Eminem’s ‘Under the Influence’
Swedish authorities intend to keep Gottfrid Svartholm Warg in prison
Google’s list of takedown requests could become the largest index of pirate content in the world
The new Legal Deposit regulation will require publishers to allow qualified libraries take copies of all digital content
Defense Distributed wants to destroy copyright, and dreams of a revolution
3D printing could produce cheap copies of anything. Don't worry, says Wayne Rash
Government Communications Security Bureau might find itself in court after wiretapping Dotcom’s communications
The pirates trick users and the media, but its servers still remain hidden
High Court orders ISPs to block access to Kickass-Torrents, Fenopy and H33T
Amsterdam & Partners will work for free, at least until Dotcom gets his money back from the US authorities
Oracle gains more support in the $1 billion Java lawsuit appeal
Kim Dotcom wants to launch encrypted email, video and communication services
The Internet pirates have their website design stolen by a copyright protection group
The political organisation wants to help websites that were 'blacklisted' without any reason
BSA warns small companies that buying counterfeit software could lead to something more troublesome than a fine
Google has reached an arrangement with French news organisations to create a €60m fund backing online innovation