Tackling the cost of public services is a priority for the Coalition Government. The agenda for public services reform means a fundamental shift in the way those services are delivered and technology has a key role to play, offering new ways of working. Through innovative use of technology, public services can be transformed.
News coalition government

Gov’t Publishes Open Source Procurement Advice
The government has published procurement advice for public sector bodies acquiring open source software

Government Security Minister Resigns
Baroness Neville-Jones has announced her resignation as the Government's Cyber Security Minister

Government Denies Digital Director Is ‘Twitter Tsar’
The Coalition Government is looking for an online expert, it says, not a “Twitter Tsar”

Labour Government’s IT Record Faces Fresh Criticism
Previous Labour ministers are accused of ordering expensive IT projects to “sex up” their policies

Government Launches UK Tech Centre Initiative
The government is seeking to develop the UK's high tech skills with plans for a £200 million tech centre network

Capgemini Agrees New Government Cost-Cutting Deal
Another services provider has signed a new deal with the government and, according to Nick Mayes of PAC Consulting, there are more to come

Government Axes Costly NHS IT Project
The government has decided to finally pull the plug on the troubled and hugely costly £12.7 billion NHS National Programme for IT

Government Pledges End To Public ‘Vanity’ Sites
The Government will axe three quarters of its websites as part of a cost cutting review by the Cabinet Office

Coalition Confirms ID Cards To Go In 100 Days
The new government says scrapping British identity cards will save £86m - even after paying off the suppliers' cancellation fees

Why Government Needs The Web Science Institute
The Institute for Web Science is one of the first projects to be scrapped by the new government, but this could be a big mistake, says Sophie Curtis

Institute for Web Science Axed In Spending Cuts
Academic organisation led by Tim Berners-Lee will no longer receive funding under new government’s £6.2 billion efficiency plans

ID Card Holders Denied A Refund
The government has announced the end of ID cards in the Queen's speech, but those who have bought a card will not get a refund

Coalition Eyes BBC Licence Fee For Broadband
The Tory / Lib Dem government plans to top-slice the BBC licence fee to pay for faster broadband