Greman router maker AVM also has an LTE-equipped box for lucky Germans with 4G coverage

Greman router maker AVM also has an LTE-equipped box for lucky Germans with 4G coverage
The digital single market needs cross boarder services, says EU commissioner Kroes
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt's techno-utopian ideals were brought down to earth by the German Chancellor at the CeBIT fair says Peter Judge
Attackers have switched their attention from Java to Android, says Kaspersky
Extreme's new Intelligent Mobile Edge products will provide tools for businesses to manage employees' personal devices
Using liquid instead of air can cut cooling by 97 percent, Iceotope believes
A couple of years back, we heard that servers would be going to liquid cooling,. The idea seems to be resurfacing, says Peter Judge
TechWeekEurope looks at the latest tablets from CeBit in Hanover
With a USB stick and a cloud service, IBM is offering a secure enterprise desktop
IBM's Watson is heading to Wall Street following an agreement between IBM and Citigroup's banking operations