
IP Review To Recommend Digital Rights ClearinghouseIP Review To Recommend Digital Rights Clearinghouse

IP Review To Recommend Digital Rights Clearinghouse

The Hargreaves report into IP reform looks set to propose a rights exchange to boost the UK's digital economy

14 years ago
Can The UK Learn From US Cyber Security Plans?Can The UK Learn From US Cyber Security Plans?

Can The UK Learn From US Cyber Security Plans?

The US government's plans to secure infrastructure look good, says Peter Judge. Maybe Britain can learn a thing or two…

14 years ago
National Body Asks Cameron To Justify NHS IT CutsNational Body Asks Cameron To Justify NHS IT Cuts

National Body Asks Cameron To Justify NHS IT Cuts

Computer Sciences' NHS contracts are in the frame as the government cuts its NPfIT spending

14 years ago
Cameron: Rural Broadband Investment VitalCameron: Rural Broadband Investment Vital

Cameron: Rural Broadband Investment Vital

The prime minister has underlined the importance of broadband to boost new businesses in rural areas

14 years ago
Twitter Considers ‘Silicon Roundabout’ For Euro HQTwitter Considers ‘Silicon Roundabout’ For Euro HQ

Twitter Considers ‘Silicon Roundabout’ For Euro HQ

Twitter is considering London's East End for the site of a European office

14 years ago
Cameron’s IP Rethink Gets A Mixed ReceptionCameron’s IP Rethink Gets A Mixed Reception

Cameron’s IP Rethink Gets A Mixed Reception

The government has launched a six-month review of the IP laws, following a promise given by David Cameron yesterday

14 years ago
Cameron Envisages Silicon Valley In East LondonCameron Envisages Silicon Valley In East London

Cameron Envisages Silicon Valley In East London

The government plans to attract high-tech visionaries and entrepreneurs to London’s Olympics site after 2012

14 years ago
Cameron Pledges £650m To Cyber Defence StrategyCameron Pledges £650m To Cyber Defence Strategy

Cameron Pledges £650m To Cyber Defence Strategy

Prime Minster David Cameron kicked off national cyber security funding with the announcement of a £650 million budget

14 years ago
Cameron Pleads With Obama Over McKinnon ExtraditionCameron Pleads With Obama Over McKinnon Extradition

Cameron Pleads With Obama Over McKinnon Extradition

President Obama will "follow the law" despite pleas from David Cameron over the extradition of hacker Gary McKinnon

15 years ago
Government Toys With UK Games MakersGovernment Toys With UK Games Makers

Government Toys With UK Games Makers

Despite cutting a tax break to the games industry, the government is funding the cradle of Grand Theft Auto

15 years ago
Where Will The Coalition Take British Tech?Where Will The Coalition Take British Tech?

Where Will The Coalition Take British Tech?

The Liberal Conservative coalition will be good news for outsourcers, and bad news for spooks

15 years ago
Goodbye Gordon: The Labour Tech LegacyGoodbye Gordon: The Labour Tech Legacy

Goodbye Gordon: The Labour Tech Legacy

From ID Cards and the Digital Economy Act to YouTube, Gordon Brown met tech pitfalls, but there are some bright…

15 years ago
Campaign Emails: A Hung ParliamentCampaign Emails: A Hung Parliament

Campaign Emails: A Hung Parliament

Despite the buzz round new media, old-fashioned campaign emails are more important in the General Election. Which party is getting…

15 years ago
eHealth Key To Europe’s Economic RecoveryeHealth Key To Europe’s Economic Recovery

eHealth Key To Europe’s Economic Recovery

Innovative IT will give citizens more control over their own health management and help cut costs and generate jobs, the…

15 years ago