
Calxeda Closes Down After Funding ShortfallCalxeda Closes Down After Funding Shortfall

Calxeda Closes Down After Funding Shortfall

A potential blow for the microserver market after ARM-server developer Calxeda goes out of business

11 years ago
IP Expo: Boston Brings World’s First ARM Server To The UKIP Expo: Boston Brings World’s First ARM Server To The UK

IP Expo: Boston Brings World’s First ARM Server To The UK

Low-power Boston Viridis is ready for the data centre

12 years ago
OpenStack Creates ARM-Powered Cloud For TestersOpenStack Creates ARM-Powered Cloud For Testers

OpenStack Creates ARM-Powered Cloud For Testers

HP, Calxeda and Canonical are backing an ARM-powered cloud for the OpenStack community's TryStack test sandbox

13 years ago
Calxeda: ARM Beats Xeon In Efficiency TestsCalxeda: ARM Beats Xeon In Efficiency Tests

Calxeda: ARM Beats Xeon In Efficiency Tests

Tests show ARM-based chips are 15 times more power-efficient than comparable Intel Xeon chips, according to Calxeda

13 years ago
Calxeda Shows Ultra Low-Power ARM Server PrototypeCalxeda Shows Ultra Low-Power ARM Server Prototype

Calxeda Shows Ultra Low-Power ARM Server Prototype

Calxeda's prototype server, powered by its EnergyCard compute blades and running Ubuntu Linux and a LAMP stack, adds to the…

13 years ago
ARM Challenges Intel With 64-Bit PC And Server ChipsARM Challenges Intel With 64-Bit PC And Server Chips

ARM Challenges Intel With 64-Bit PC And Server Chips

The ARMv8 chip architecture will bring ARM into closer competition with Intel and AMD in server and PC markets

13 years ago
HP Partners With Calxeda For ARM-Based ServersHP Partners With Calxeda For ARM-Based Servers

HP Partners With Calxeda For ARM-Based Servers

HP is reportedly partnering with Calxeda to develop some data centre servers powered by ARM chips

13 years ago
Calxeda Forms Partner Program For ARM ServersCalxeda Forms Partner Program For ARM Servers

Calxeda Forms Partner Program For ARM Servers

Calxeda has created a partner program to help push its ARM-based server processors to the industry

14 years ago
‘Super-Efficient’ Server Chips Imminent From Calxeda‘Super-Efficient’ Server Chips Imminent From Calxeda

‘Super-Efficient’ Server Chips Imminent From Calxeda

Calxeda will soon begin sampling quad-core ARM-based system-on-chip processors for super-efficient servers

14 years ago
ARM Server Startup Beefs Up Management TeamARM Server Startup Beefs Up Management Team

ARM Server Startup Beefs Up Management Team

The startup that is seeking to build ARM-designed chips for low-power servers has changed its name from Smooth-Stone to Calxeda

14 years ago