The annual Byte Night charity event needs you to help support homeless children

The annual Byte Night charity event needs you to help support homeless children
Each year on Byte Night, the tech industry raises money for young people. Ken Deeks explains why you should join in this year
In 2013, the tech industry's rough-sleeping event has raised more than £1 million for Action for Children
On October 4, Byte Night will sleep rough to raise money for youth
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It Industry's annual sleep out hopes to raise £900,000 this October
It has been another record-breaking year for the IT charity sleep-out Byte Night
The UK's IT industry will sleep rough for one night in October to raise money for Action for Children
The IT industry's charity Byte Night is expecting rough weather for its fundraising sleep-out on Friday
The recession could increase poverty in the UK - it also means the IT industry's charity sleep-out, Byte Night, will be working harder
Once again, the British IT industry is raising money for homeless youth, and eWEEK Europe will be there