
Botnet Controlled By Russia’s GRU Disrupted By US, UK

Botnet controlled by Russian military intelligence disrupted by the United States, which removed GRU control of thousands of infected devices

2 years ago

ESET: Defeating Ransomware And Botnets Requires A Layered Approach To Cyber Security

INTERVIEW: Mark James, IT cyber security specialist at ESET, discusses cyber threat trends with Silicon at Infosecurity 2017

7 years ago

EU Pushes IoT Security Regulations

The move comes amidst rapidly increasing exploitation of connected devices by criminals

8 years ago

Turkey, Italy And Hungary Riddled With Botnets Finds Norton Research

Botnets hop on high-speed city infrastructure to fire malware, spam and other threats across the Internet

8 years ago

MarsJoke Ransomware Targets US Government And Education Institutions

Cyber criminals are using the Kelihos botnet to extort Bitcoin payments out of the ransomware's victims

8 years ago

Malware Levels Drop As Huge Botnet Goes Offline

A major botnet has mysteriously disappeared in recent days, killing off two large-scale malware campaigns

8 years ago

Botnet Operators Shifting To The Cloud

Botnet controllers are increasingly taking advantage of the convenience of cloud infrastructure for launching attacks, Level 3 has found

9 years ago

UK Home To More Botnet Command And Control Servers Than Any Other Country

32 percent of known botnet C&C servers are hosted in Britain says Trend Micro, which warns of ongoing Windows XP…

10 years ago

Hackers Use Free Cloud Accounts To Create Cryptocurrency Mining Botnet

Researchers use free Cloud accounts to create a botnet, rather than hijacking computer resources from innocent victims

10 years ago

Microsoft And Friends Disrupt Resilient ZeroAccess Botnet

Microsoft and its partners have successfully disrupted the Sirefef botnet, also known as ZeroAcces

11 years ago

ZeroAccess: Sinkhole Sucks Brains From Big Bitcoin Mining Botnet

One of the biggest botnets in the world sees half a million bots made inactive as law enforcement takes an…

11 years ago

‘Chicken Farm’ Botnets Actively Target Governments, Researchers Warn

Asian espionage networks have compromised government and corporate systems worldwide, researchers warn

11 years ago

Microsoft Removes Million PCs From Citadel Botnet Clutches

Microsoft has freed more than 1.2 million PCs from the control of the Citadel botnet and its criminal masters

11 years ago

Botnets Adopt Peer-to-Peer To Combat Takedowns

Botnets are adopting the use of peer-to-peer communications to hamper takedown efforts by the industry

11 years ago

Microsoft Angers Security Researchers With Boisterous Botnet Bust

Researchers fuming after Microsoft botnet takedown ruins their own anti-cyber crime operations

11 years ago

Microsoft And FBI Hit 1,500 Citadel Botnets

Botnet takes a kicking but some think it will amount to just a chink in the fortress that is Citadel

11 years ago

Boston Marathon Tragedy Spurs Botnet Spam Campaigns

The Boston Marathon bombing and the Texas fertilizer explosion are being used by two large botnets

11 years ago

Microsoft And Symantec Buddy Up For Botnet Takedown

Microsoft and Symantec have struck a blow at cyber criminals after taking down their command and control servers

12 years ago

Big Bad Botnets Combine To Send Billions Of Spam Messages

Waledac makes a comeback by piggybacking on top of a virulent buddy

12 years ago

Court Order Allows Microsoft To Retain Control Of Zeus Botnets

A US federal court has granted Microsoft permission to continue to control two major Zeus botnets for the next two…

12 years ago

Bank-Theft Botnet Gameover Infects 700,000 Systems

A bank-theft botnet by the name of Gameover has infected 675,000 systems, many at Fortune 500 companies

12 years ago

Dealing With The DDoS Dealers

TechWeekEurope investigates the DDoS market, looking at how the dealers make their money, who's buying and what can be done…

12 years ago

Trusteer Warns Of ‘US DoJ’ Ransomware

Trusteer researchers are warning that some ransomware is now posing as from the US Department Of Justice

12 years ago

Zeus Bots Remain Active Despite Microsoft Takedown

A few Zeus botnets reportedly remain active despite Microsoft closing down the bulk of them last month

12 years ago

Real-Time Botnet Threat Intelligence Data Feed Offered By Microsoft

A real-time feed from Microsoft's database of intelligence on botnets is being tested to help co-ordinate efforts to bring the…

13 years ago

Clues To Botmaster Identity Revealed In Chat Logs

Clues and details about the Cutwail botnet and its creator have been discovered in chat logs by Russian authorities

13 years ago

Spam Takes Back Seat As Targeted Attacks Rise

Criminals are not replacing botnets but are instead turning to more targeted attacks, researchers warn

13 years ago

Microsoft Court Order Shuts Down Kelihos Botnet

Microsoft continues to wage war with botnets after gaining a court order to take down Kelihos

13 years ago

DIY Botnet Kits Spawning Lean, Mean Networks

Hackers are increasingly using DIY crimeware kits to push out malicious botnets but SpyEye dominates

13 years ago

Seized Rustock Servers Reveal Compromised Emails

Microsoft forensic experts have uncovered 400,000 email addresses from seized Rustock servers

13 years ago