
Siemens Patches CCTV Camera Hijacking Bug

The vulnerability could allow network-based attackers to take control of IP-based CCTV cameras

8 years ago

Developer Pulls Anti-Mirai IoT Worm After Backlash

The 'anti-worm worm' was intended as a proof of concept, but experts warned of further security risk

8 years ago

Hacker Releases IoT Botnet Source Code

The 'Mirai' family of botnets hijacks Internet-connected devices and uses them to launch large-scale attacks

8 years ago

Security Researchers Discover First Twitter-Controlled Botnet

Twitoor, uncovered by ESET, can plague Android devices with malicious malware

8 years ago

LizardStresser Webcam Botnet Strikes Brazil And US With IoT Attacks

Large financial institutions and gaming companies are amongst those hit by the latest IoT botnet attacks

8 years ago

Giant CCTV Camera Botnet Highlights IoT Security Threats

A botnet made up of more than 25,000 hacked security cameras spread around the world is being used to launch…

8 years ago

Skype Spam Installs Trojan Horse

The ongoing malware campaign uses a simple social-engineering trick to draw target systems into a botnet

9 years ago

Mumblehard Linux Spamming Botnet Finally Taken Offline

Thousands of servers running Linux and BSD had been affected by one of world's most damaging botnets

9 years ago

20 Cybersecurity Terms Everyone Should Know

Get your head around these IT security terms and you're well on your way to protecting your company, says Laurance…

9 years ago

Dridex Malware Raids £20m From UK Bank Accounts

Not as bad as Zeus? Bank accounts are being looted worldwide in malware attack, authorities warn

9 years ago

Interpol Grabs Simda Botnet Servers In Global Swoop

The operation is believed to have significantly weakened Simda, which steals personal data and targets financial institutions

10 years ago

Europol And Security Firms Take Down ‘Polymorphic’ Beebone Botnet

Joint operation between authorities and security firms helps to take down 'wormlike' Beebone

10 years ago

NJRat Trojan Returns To Life, Warns PhishMe

A remote access trojan, last seen a year ago, is making a reappearance warns security researcher

10 years ago

Ramnit Botnet Crime Ring Taken Down By Europol

Euro cops shut down botnet that infected 3.2 million computers in order to steal banking information

10 years ago

FBI Offers Biggest Ever Reward For Admin Of Gameover Zeus Botnet

Russian hacker behind the Gameover Zeus botnet is hit with world's largest ever reward for his arrest

10 years ago

Facebook Takes Out Litecoin Mining Greek Botnet Beast

Arrests are made in the Lecpetex botnet investigation

10 years ago

Microsoft Cybercrime Shutdown Hit Users Says DDNS Provider

In its efforts to knock out sub-domains it believes were used to control widespread, Microsoft infuriates a US-based DNS provider

10 years ago

NSA Hits Out At ‘False’ Mass Hacking Allegations

The NSA vehemently denies mass hacking reports, as an exasperated Mark Zuckerberg contacts President Obama

11 years ago

Mobile Users Coming Under Increasing Threat From China Cybercriminals

Trend Micro report reveals wide variety of tactics being developed and used by cybercriminals in China

11 years ago

Banks Warned About ‘Cutting Edge’ Financial Malware

Banks beware as trojans and botnets aimed at financial institutions are being upgraded and enhanced

11 years ago

ZeroAccess Fraudsters Fly ‘White Flag’

The cyber-crime group behind the ZeroAccess botnet appears to have given up on resuming control of its 1.3 million compromised…

11 years ago

Big Android Botnet Sends SMS Messages To China

South Korean phones send stolen messages to Chinese email addresses

11 years ago

Microsoft And Friends Disrupt Resilient ZeroAccess Botnet

Microsoft and its partners have successfully disrupted the Sirefef botnet, also known as ZeroAcces

11 years ago

Rising Threat: Cyber Bank Heists With Citadel’s Man-in-the-Browser

Man-in-the-Browser attacks are only getting more frequent, thanks to the Citadel botnet and numerous other threats, says Dennis Schwarz

11 years ago

Argentine Police Arrest ‘Superhacker’

A teenager was said to be making $50k a month from botnet

11 years ago

Tor Network Spike Caused By Botnet

Mevade botnet responsible for Tor traffic jump in August

11 years ago

Cyber Crooks Share Botnets To Spread Super-Smart Android Malware

"Most sophisticated Android malware ever" using other Android botnets to spread

11 years ago

‘Chicken Farm’ Botnets Actively Target Governments, Researchers Warn

Asian espionage networks have compromised government and corporate systems worldwide, researchers warn

11 years ago

Large Botnets Attack WordPress And Joomla

Cyber crooks targeting and then using CMSs like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal to spread nastiness

11 years ago

Botnets Adopt Peer-to-Peer To Combat Takedowns

Botnets are adopting the use of peer-to-peer communications to hamper takedown efforts by the industry

12 years ago