Twitter's acquisition of Whisper looks like a talent grab targeting Moxie Marlinspike and Stuart Anderson

Twitter's acquisition of Whisper looks like a talent grab targeting Moxie Marlinspike and Stuart Anderson
Organisations are transmitting sensitive data without any security due to improper SSL configuration
Commonly used Android apps leave phones vulnerable to phishing and hijacking, according to Privateer
Aruba Networks' military grade MOVE architecture was deployed over three wireless networks at Black Hat
In the wake of Stuxnet, Black Hat researchers disclosed vulnerabilities found in industrial-control systems
Security apps should be open to scrutiny, said a Black Hat speaker, using Sophos Antivirus as an example
At Black Hat, a researcher showed how facial-recognition could link passers-by to Facebook profiles
Organisations are more aware of cyber security thanks to researchers exposing vulnerabilities
A former CIA counter-terrorism expert has told Black Hat attendees that a major cyber-attack is imminent
At the Black Hat security conference this week researchers will look at a wide range of attacks
A security researcher used Chrome OS ScratchPad to show how permissions can be abused to steal data
At Black Hat a researcher is to demonstrate a technique for hacking into the baseband processors that power smartphone radios
A security expert will use the upcoming Black Hat conference to reveal methods of sneaking data out of enterprises
As SAP buys into ID management, an event at Black Hat DC will put Web-enabled SAP apps in the line of fire
At the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, former NSA Director Michael Hayden examined the concept of cyber-war and the role attendees need to play
Cyber-criminals are using a complex, innovative scheme to commit widespread check forgery
A talk on Chinese cybercrime has been pulled form the Black Hat security conference after pressure from Taiwan
Hackers leave tell-tale signs in their malware, which can be used to catch them, according to a Black Hat talk
This week's Black Hat Europe event will be shown how user credentials can be stolen from Oracle databases