Tightening the screws. Biden Administration is considering further restrictions on Chinese access to cutting-edge AI chip tech

Tightening the screws. Biden Administration is considering further restrictions on Chinese access to cutting-edge AI chip tech
The United States reportedly considers restricting China and Russia's access to AI models found in tools such as ChatGPT
AI giants as well as many other businesses and organisations have join President Biden's AI Safety Institute Consortium
Beijing reacts with anger, as United States and President Biden tighten export controls to China for advanced computer chips
US Commerce Department requests public comments on AI accountability measures, in first step for AI governance rules
Chinese memory chipmaker YMTC and 21 Chinese 'mjaor' entities in the AI chip sector are added to US entity list
As the Biden administration creates a national AI task force, how will AI develop over the next few years? And how will these developments be managed to ensure safety and ethics are maintained?