Contract for the Web, backed by 150 organisations, seeks to protect the web from becoming a 'dystopia' dominated by misinformation and abuse
News Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee: Corporations Would Benefit From Releasing Their Data
The inventor of the World Wide Web says sharing is caring
Berners-Lee Warns Facebook Could Harm The Web
Walled gardens like Facebook and iTunes could restrict the openness on which the web relies, warns Tim Berners-Lee
World Wide Web Creator Calls For Free Data
In a wide-ranging keynote, World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee talks the net, technology trends and bridging the worldwide digital divide
Government Tech Chiefs’ Six-Figure Salaries Exposed
The publication is part of moves which see Tim Berners-Lee and other tech experts appointed to a Transparency Board
Government ‘Hack Day’ Delivers Public Data Innovation
A Facebook quiz and local policing feedback board are just two of the ideas that have emerged from a government public data initiative