Up to $1bn stolen from banks and financial institutions worldwide over the past two years

Up to $1bn stolen from banks and financial institutions worldwide over the past two years
Protectionism or national security? China demands foreign firms hand over source code for inspection
Zapp survey finds attitudes towards alternative payments in the UK have changed significantly
Kaspersky Lab discovers a new strain of Trojan targeting victims through 150 banks' web links and email attachments
The FBI and Secret Service investigate reports that a number US banks suffered co-ordinated cyber attacks
Registration for mobile number payment system 'Paym' opens for most of the country's banks, with the rest set to follow
Lloyds, TSB, Halifax and Bank of Scotland customers are left red-faced after being unable to use their cards on Sunday afternoon
Epic data breach affecting a third of all South Koreans - believed to have been an inside job
Banks beware as trojans and botnets aimed at financial institutions are being upgraded and enhanced
Banks and other bodies can be hit badly if their Internet service fails, warns Stephen Bonner
Operation Waking Shark 2 taking place in London today
Bank of England to oversee stress tests next month
Banks also asked to test resilience against legacy IT failures
British banks should watch out for fresh kinds of attacks as they can't afford to suffer another systemic shock, KPMG says
Keep hold of your bank logins, Zeus is getting aggressive again
After one of the most devlish cyber plots ever is uncovered, seven are arrested, but the gang's alleged leader has been murdered
US bank attackers have turned their attention to Europe, and UK financial institutions have been told to prepare
EU proposals could force 42,000 companies to reveal details of cyber-attacks
US and Iran cyber tussles continuing, according to a report
Wells Fargo, Citibank and Bank of America have been hit by attacks that make it difficult for customers to access their accounts online, according to a US federal security alert
HSBC services downed by DDoS attack
Two more US banks were hit by denial-of-service attacks which caused outages in spite of advance warning
RSA spies underground call to arms to steal from US banks
A bank-theft botnet by the name of Gameover has infected 675,000 systems, many at Fortune 500 companies
Banks are handing over loads of useful data to hackers, a KPMG study finds
Millions of NatWest customers continue to be frustrated thanks to an IT failure
Cheque payments could receive a new lease of life if banks adopt digital alternatives
Some of Brazil's biggest banks have been hit by DDoS Attacks, although customer accounts are believed to be unaffected
Research shows that more Brits than ever use online banking with two of three using it at least once a week
The SEPA Europe-wide e-payments system, proposed by banks, could exclude newbies like PayPal