Netflix bingeing...main ISPs and operators in the UK agree to remove data caps on fixed-line broadband during the Coronavirus pandemic

Netflix bingeing...main ISPs and operators in the UK agree to remove data caps on fixed-line broadband during the Coronavirus pandemic
Social networking giant Facebook says that Coronavirus is hitting its principle money-making capability, namely advertising sales
'Stay connected' campaign tells people to move routers away from other electrical devices and don't use microwave during video calls
Streaming giant says it will reduce traffic to India by 25 percent as India declares total lockdown due to Coronavirus pandemic
European Union Commissioner has urged Netflix and other streaming platforms to stop delivering content in high definition
New IP routers promises petabit-class performance to deliver required bandwidth for Internet of tomorrow
Inflight broadband should get a lot better as new satellite signals speedier connectivity for travellers
Travellers complain as a second IT issue in four months leaves United Airline flights grounded for two hours
Bandwidth breakthrough? Boffins in the US reckon new tech can increase wireless data-transfer speed by 330 percent
Vanquishing pesky pop-ups and vacuous videos reduces IP traffic in test enterprise network environment
The definitive definition of net neutrality by the experts for the kids (and adults, too)
Japan and Europe have teamed up on a number of research projects, including one to develop 100 Gbps Internet technologies
Broadcom's new BCM56450 chip will help mobile operators struggling with their bandwidth challenges
Cisco promises speeds of up to 400 gigabits per second with its new core router, the CRS-X
Over the next four years Internet traffic worldwide will triple, thanks to more connected devices and faster networks
Cisco beefs up wireless transfer speeds after it adds a module that will support the 802.11ac standard
Are you in the broadband fast lane or on the hard shoulder?
Cloud migration and the demand for more bandwidth are some of the top concerns facing IT departments
If mobile operators don't start investing in their infrastructure, they will end up crippling the smartphone market, says Tom Jowitt
The stability of O2's mobile network could be tested to the limit if a mass protest by O2 users, furious at the scrapping of unlimited data deals, takes place
Cisco's powerful CRS-3 router will meet rapidly growing demand for bandwidth, according to analysts, but its closest rival, Juniper Networks, is less impressed