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The fund will be available for anyone with a "valid claim" for being affected by the 2015 breach
The adultery site's parent company is to pay the FTC $1.6m for deceptive marketing practices and the lack of basic security measures
Users of the self-described adultery site have begun receiving blackmail letters through the post following last summer's data breach
Departure of founder and CEO Noel Biderman "is in the best interest of the company"
Ashley Madison data breach triggers upsurge in spam email, as victims become scammers target
At least two unconfirmed suicides linked by police to Ashley Madison data breach, as the site's parent company is hit with another lawsuit
The attackers behind the Ashley Madison breach left a BitTorrent server partly exposed to Internet intruders
A second data cache twice the size of the first includes the source code for all of ALM's websites and a file purporting to contain the company CEO's emails
Even the genuine hack data appears to contain large amounts of fake information, say experts
Ashley Madison users are now prime targets for blackmail, warn security experts
The 'massive' cache includes users' personal details, as well as a wide range of internal corporate documents, researchers said
TechWeekEurope collates the views of some of the technology industry’s biggest names
The attacker has threatened to release a 'complete' customer database unless the site is shut down