New Program so developers can build Alexa skills for free using the Amazon Web Services Platform
NHS patient data sharing with Google Deepmind slated in paper, but Google and Royal Free Trust fire back at 'significant…
Design specification released for Facebook's new storage platform, coupled with the new AI 'Big Basin' Design
Apple set to join non profit 'the Partnership on AI' to collaborate on artificial intelligence research
A DeepMind presence in the US will aid collaboration with parent company Google
But AI will also present new opportunities for health, education, energy, and the environment
Reinforcements for malfunctioning Tay chatbot? Microsoft purchases AI app specialist Wand Labs
New supercomputer meets the need of next-generation AI applications, coupled with release of new data centre accelerator
IBM researchers teach computers to decide how to store various types of data, just like our brain archives long-term memory…
Eric Schmidt hails next-generation intelligence following landmark AlphaGo victory
Phonemaker reportedly buys artificial intelligence firm Emotient to get more in touch with its users
Wikipedia entries to face scrutiny from artificial intelligence tool in order to ease editor workload
Computer scientists at University of Lincoln achieve breakthrough in pheromone-based swarm communications in robots
Nvidia's Tesla K80 GPUs are helping IBM Watson rev up its cognitive computing capabilities
Artificial intelligence from Google goes public to crowdsource dev expertise
Andy Rubin says he is optimistic about artificial intelligence and doesn't share fears of possible Skynet scenario
Siri upgrade? Battle for artificial intelligence heats up with iPhone maker hiring more AI boffins
Auto maker teams up with Stanford and MIT researchers as it investigates how AI can help cut down on road…
US researchers publish study on using artificial intelligence algorithms to predict future threats from Islamic State extremists
Elon Musk also signs open letter along with hundreds of top robotic scientists pleading military powers to curtail plans for…
Forget artifical intelligence - scientist develops technique for bacteria to control the behaviour of robots
Steve Wozniak changes his mind about artificial intelligence and predicts benevolent machines
An 'emotional' robot that promises to be genuinely interactive will go on sale in America this weekend
“Open the pod bay doors, Hal!” ... Humans have 100 years left before the robots take over, warns Professor Stephen…
Purchase of Denver cognitive computing firm is "start of a new journey" for IBM Watson
Strategic pounce for automation to keep Infosys in the SaaS delivery race