Expensive ownership of Internet icons AOL and Yahoo comes to an end, after Verizon announces sale to private equity group

Expensive ownership of Internet icons AOL and Yahoo comes to an end, after Verizon announces sale to private equity group
Long before Skype or WhatsApp achieved their domination, AIM was the pioneer of instant communications (IM)
AIM was a pioneer of instant communications on the web, but its popularity has waned and now it will finally be retired
Netscape Navigator was the dominant web browser in the 1990s, before Microsoft opted to join the party
Yahoo's core assets finally sold off as Mayer claims: 'Yahoo is a company that has changed the world'
Verizon looks to step up its game in mobile video and advertising
As AOL plans to pull the plug on pioneering MP3 player Winamp, Microsoft is reportedly in talks to buy the technology
You're Fired - Tim Armstrong, says sorry for public sacking, but the dismissal stands
Eight online advertising companies pledge to stop funding copyright infringement
AOL wants to break free of big data centre buildings
Social network gets second chance to acquire portfolio in £310m deal
Social network's bid was rejected for being too low
If Netscape's patents are up for grabs, we need to watch the fact of SSL, says Peter Judge
Microsoft picks up Netscape and MapQuest in patent portfolio deal
An alliance between 15 companies is hoping to set a standard to effectively wipe out email phishing
Fired as Yahoo's CEO last week, Bartz has now left the company's board as well, as AOL reportedly seeks a merger