Biden Administration bans sales of Kaspersky software in the US due to links to Russia, but Moscow-based firm says it will challenge ban

Biden Administration bans sales of Kaspersky software in the US due to links to Russia, but Moscow-based firm says it will challenge ban
Appeal to reopen investigation into prison death of anti virus pioneer John McAfee is rejected by court in Spain
British competition watchdog announces investigation into music streaming market, and issues recommendations for anti-virus industry
Redmond did temporarily switch off third party anti-virus products for Windows 10, the firm admits
False positive hell. Webroot AV mistakenly identifies Windows files as malicious, damages computers
AVG 2017 not has access to Avast's CyberCapture tool for real-time threat detection
Boss of troubled security firm steps down after earnings warning
Face-palm time. Panda Antivirus accidentally labels itself malware and damages an undisclosed number of PCs
Scammers use 850,000 tricks to con millions of Facebook users
Avast says customers will need to change their passwords following forum attack
If even anti-virus detractors like FireEye use the technology, it must be very much alive. Tom Brewster takes its temperature
Is anti-virus finally dying? Sort of, say Symantec and its rivals
Criticism of antivirus software for the malware it misses is unjustified says NSS Labs in a new report
Kovacs joins the security industry but choice of AV company may baffle some
Anti-virus update kills Internet access for users of many Kaspersky products
After three weeks in the jungle and a week in prison, McAfee goes to Miami
McAfee promises to reveal all during a press conference in Guatemala City on Thursday
Rumours emerge McAfee was arrested crossing the border, but doubts remain about his whereabouts
Prime minister of Belize urges the multi-millionaire to “man up” and turn himself in
Sophos releases more help for users after a literally self-defeating false positive gaffe
A McGaffe prevents businesses and consumers from accessing the Internet
Facebook has teamed up with security players to offer its users free downloads of anti-malware software and blacklists
One in thirty-six Macs harbours OS X-specific malware while one in five features at least one Windows virus or Trojan
We chat with Avast's CEO about what happened with iYogi and how to ensure partners don't cause embarrassment.
Avast gets embarrassed by iYogi's dodgy upselling tactics.
Kaspersky Lab says it is increasingly difficult to tell fake antivirus products from real antivirus software
Intel McAfee's hardware-based security allows companies to integrate protection at the processor level
A new survey has revealed the true impact from the phone fraudsters who warn users their PCs are at risk
Apple has released a security upgrade for Mac OS X that includes a malware removal tool
Kaspersky Lab admits that people attempting to buy its security products were redirected to a scareware site