
Cisco Creates System To Clamp Down On Video PiracyCisco Creates System To Clamp Down On Video Piracy

Cisco Creates System To Clamp Down On Video Piracy

Bootleggers beware, as Cisco touts system to take down growing threat of pirated video content

8 years ago
Google Removes Autocomplete From Pirate Bay SearchGoogle Removes Autocomplete From Pirate Bay Search

Google Removes Autocomplete From Pirate Bay Search

Google no longer auto-completes the search term for Pirate Bay web domains as it steps up its copyright clampdown

13 years ago
SOPA Set To Return In Different FormSOPA Set To Return In Different Form

SOPA Set To Return In Different Form

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) has been halted for the time being, but recent remarks suggest it is likely…

13 years ago
US Pushed Spain Into Passing An Online Piracy LawUS Pushed Spain Into Passing An Online Piracy Law

US Pushed Spain Into Passing An Online Piracy Law

Leaked letter shows US government threatened Spain with trade sanctions to force it to favour passing an anti-piracy law

13 years ago
Wikipedia Could Temporarily Shutdown In SOPA ProtestWikipedia Could Temporarily Shutdown In SOPA Protest

Wikipedia Could Temporarily Shutdown In SOPA Protest

Wikipedia could shut down to put pressure on congress not to pass SOPA

13 years ago