Where eagles no longer dare. Switzerland cancels its drone busting eagle duo, over uncertain success rates and safety concerns

Where eagles no longer dare. Switzerland cancels its drone busting eagle duo, over uncertain success rates and safety concerns
Angry birds! Google Wing delivery drones in the Australia capital of Canberra have been grounded after being attacked by ravens
There was no drone? Doubt cast on repeated drone sightings that closed Gatwick airport for days during the Christmas period in 2018
British drone pilots have until today to register or risk a £1,000 fine. But will criminals and rogue drone operators care?
Rogue drone came within 20m (65ft) of a passenger plane as it flew in to Gatwick Airport in July
Smartphone app can “remotely identify airborne drones” as well as pinpointing the location of its pilot
£1,000 fine if drone pilots, including kids, don't register, pass a theory test and get a £9-a-year licence
Inside job. Suspicion grows that drone operators who shut down Gatwick airport had inside knowledge
Worried about intruding drones? BT has the answer after it launches its Counter Drone Solution
Prison sentence on the cards for people who fly drones whilst drunk, after Japan passes new law
No more wild west? More regulations for drone operators with set of common rules for the region
Airport no-fly zone for drones to be extended to three mile radius after Christmas chaos at Gatwick
Chaos at UK's second busiest airport eases as Gatwick reopens runaway after prolific drone disruption
Sightings of drones at airfield halts flights at Gatwick airport, causing significant disruption and delays
Experts discuss safeguarding against drones that pose increasing threats to prisons, airports and public safety
The system will look to protect airports, car test tracks, stadiums and critical infrastructure from drone snooping