Ajit Pai

Outgoing FCC Boss Ajit Pai Warns Of China Threat

China continues to pose espionage and cyber threat to US telecommunications networks, says FCC chairman as he steps down after…

4 years ago

FCC Head Ajit Pai Stepping Down, Raises Net Neutrality Hopes

What now for US net neutrality, as Trump appointee Ajit Pai, announces he will step down from FCC when Joe…

4 years ago

US Appeals Court Refuses To Overturn Net Neutrality Ruling

American court refuses to rehear an appeal against controversial FTC decision to reserve net neutrality rules in the United States

5 years ago

Huawei Launches Fresh Legal Challenge Against US Ban

Chinese networking giant launches second legal challenge to US exclusion order for rural mobile operators buying Huawei equipment

5 years ago

Twenty Two US States Demand Return Of Net Neutrality

Group of attorney generals ask court to halt FCC's efforts to stop US states imposing their own open Internet rules

6 years ago

San Francisco Appeals Court To Hear Net Neutrality Challenge

Appeals court in San Francisco selected to hear legal challenges to FCC's decision to reverse net neutrality

7 years ago

US State Passes Law To Block FCC Net Neutrality Vote

More headaches for Aji Pai as Washington State passes law to stop ISPs offering two speed Internet access

7 years ago

FCC To Publish Net Neutrality Rule Reversal

Ahead of legal challenges, FCC expected to publish its December order overturning Net Neutrality rules

7 years ago

Net Neutrality: FCC Chairman Pai Pulls Out Of CES 2018

FCC chairman cancels CES show appearance after overturning net neutrality rules, due to reported death threats

7 years ago

FCC Website ‘Attacked’ After John Oliver Net Neutrality Call To Arms

US regulator claims website attack, hours after British comedian urges people to protest against rule change

7 years ago

FCC Chairman Could Reverse Decision To Allow In-Flight Phone Calls

Ajit Pai turns against 2013 FCC regulatory proceeding that was attempting to lift the ban on the use of mobile…

7 years ago

FCC Chair To ‘Quickly Replace’ Obama Net Neutrality Rules

Two speed Internet? Head honcho of US comms watchdog wants to reserve net neutrality rules

7 years ago

Telcos Hope To Erode US Customer Privacy Protection But EU Privacy Shield Is Safe

UK and EU privacy regulators expressed concern over the new US administration's data-protection policies

8 years ago

Trump Appoints Net Neutrality Opponent To Lead US Communications Regulator

US president Trump has appointed Ajit Pai, a vociferous opponent of Obama's net neutrality regulations, as FCC chairman

8 years ago